Looks like a regular party to me. What's stupid is the horribly mean-spirited tone of this article and the comments.
Looks like a regular party to me. What's stupid is the horribly mean-spirited tone of this article and the comments.
I managed to get the "Molyhug" hug rating on the second try. I kinda wonder if this is how my grandmother feels when she asks to use my cellphone.
Tina and I were taking bets as to how long it would take for someone to post that. I think I owe her lunch.
I plan on making him narrate my videos, right down to the "Hey folks, Mike Fahey with Kotaku here"
Hey Kojima, why don't u stop making movies with playable cutscenes and make an actual game with cutscenes?
Nope. It's like Shank with rabbits, bears and dogs ~~.
He needs to wear less in order to fit in more. I hope this happens though even if it is only a flash games.
"Dungeonpunk" is the word
People pirate for one reason: lack of availability.
This pretty much says it all. Except, technically you're just double-clicking a file when pirating, not inserting a DVD.
tough choices!
I never got that whole no killing thing. It seems like such an artificial plot device. I hated that in the Dark Knight movie, the whole movie goes to shit because Batman won't just run Joker over with his motorcycle. That is why I was always a Spawn guy, these criminals don't deserve merciful superheroes, they deserve…
All I can think of is that Princess Bride scene.
Free to be a dick does not also mean free from consequence.
Imagine if you're an MLG player and you unleash a torrent of racial slurs at your Korean competitor. Sure, you're free to do so, but don't be surprised if your career tanks because other people are also totally free to judge you for it.
Two Things:
1) Freedom of Speech does not also mean Freedom From Consequence.
You are totally free to say what you want, and the rest of us are totally free to judge you and treat you accordingly.
2)In before:
"Boy's Club"
"That's Just How It Is" / "Part Of The Culture."
"Psychological Warfare In Competitive Sports"
"Welcome, to the Aperture Science Artificial Intelligence Aided Colossal Entity Destruction Program. You will pilot this giant robot and you will die. Good luck."
Guilty...I used the word "gay" 22 times in my comment...
Shut up doughnut.
It's light red!