Friendly neighborhood_Dude

It’s really frustrating to hear this game didn’t catch on as everyone I know who has actually played it loves it. I honestly think it may have ruined all other online shooters for me. Where else can I wall run, jet pack jump, sling shot myself across a map with a grappling hook, land on top of giant robot, pull its

It’s really frustrating to hear this game didn’t catch on as everyone I know who has actually played it loves it. I

Probably would have been good if they’d figured all of this out BEFORE announcing a release date.

Personally I’d like them to have each core add a probability to your next open. So maybe if you were to open 50 common cores in a row, you’d all 1% each time and could accumulate 50% more of a chance to get a rare blade. I think I’m missing 5 blades and the last 8 or so legendary cores gave me crap. :/

I agree - clever one, Jason.

I thought it was hilarious when I got to the end of the article and saw the same recommended one repeated so many times

Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux releases on the 3DS on May 15. A remake of the 2010 JRPG dungeon-crawler on the DS, Strange Journey Redux will add some new story beats as well as a new character, Alex. While 2018 will probably mark the end of the 3DS, so far it still has some solid games headed its way.

I understand why they are doing this, but I wish they weren’t. Magic Duels was an absolutely solid online Magic experience that just needed some more love in the way of an Android version and cross-platform syncing. Also not a fan of the cards being weird half cards, but that’s just me being picky.

Twins. Mt. Fuji, Japan. By Charlez Chong.

Pretty much. Don’t get me wrong, it’s fantastic implementation and more people need to get familiar with Crimson Skies, but it shows you how far behind XBONE is when playing 15-year-old classics is the selling point and not a bullet point.

I sure do wish Nintendo and Sony could get on MS’ level when it comes to backwards compatibility. In that same token I almost feel as though MS is only focusing on this because they need SOMETHING to set them apart and one-up the competition in.

Gravity Rush 2's online service shutdown date has been pushed back, allowing players more time to get online exclusive items. The servers will now shutdown on July 19th, 2018 at 1:00AM EST.

I cried, immediately, when I recognized the tune.

For high school English class (circa 1992 or so) we had to give an instructional speech, and my speech was how to beat this level. I recorded myself playing through the level on a VHS tape to play along with the speech, even having Mega Man stop a couple times while I gave a little extra narration. I saved the Time