Friendly neighborhood_Dude

Time to replay Persona again i suppose.

Going out onto your balcony in Prey. Anyone who has played at least the beginning of the game will know what I’m talkin’ about.

Delivering the final blow onto the final boss of Gravity Rush 2 and pretty much everything that happens afterwards. The ending of that game made little sense and I could see why some people hated it, but for whatever reason I liked the characters enough to put that aside. It hit me like a ton of bricks and became the

You played 12 hours a day? Dude, be careful with that. People die from that sort of thing.

No, but you should.

Translation from fan patch is ongoing for both the Crossbell duology, but I’d really like to see Falcom officially release both the games as soon as they can. Hope the Vita would get some love on it though.

I picked up Trails of Cold Steel in the winter steam sale 2 days ago. So far I’m 24 hours in. I love this game. (Persona 5 was my fav game in 2017). Thanks for introducing this series to me Jason!

Baj Singh is a character artist at Creative Assembly, where he’s worked on stuff like the Total War series.

Xenon Valkyrie+ is coming to Vita on December 19. The pixel roguelite that released on PC earlier in the year will get a few enhancements as well (notably dedicated buttons for each weapon), but otherwise it’s the same action platformer with beautiful backgrounds.

Colorful Leaves. Tofuku-ji in Kyoto, Japan. By Bert Scholtes.

My suggestion for the obligatory guest stars:

You’re complaining that an article has a source?

Eh, I know a lot of people would think of it as a ‘gimmick’, as you say, but I really would have preferred something with a slide-out game controller—it would’ve made this thing perfect for playing ports of games originally designed with physical controls in mind - KotOR or GTA or whatever - and even better for