Friendly neighborhood_Dude

Even so, people are still spoiling the damn game :(

That must be an imposter! Because batman won't ride his bike in broad daylight unless someone is gonna destroy the city.

lol I'm speechless...

omeanizot — for the win!

The way you put it is really beautiful :)


I still haven't seen the movie...

That animation is really beautiful.

That Batman gif is beautiful.

That Batman gif is beautiful.

Persona.... 4!

I was going to click on that YouTube Pokeball...

They could you use it for their advantage if they are smart enough.

Mitsuru is that you!?

Where I live you would be really lucky if you found TWO limited edition copies of a game :'(

Well I only preorder limited editions because they obviously sellout fast.

Is it me or is that dress a little too revealing?

That trailer brought back childhood memories... Used to watch videogame shows that previews upcoming games with really awesome narration.

yup, from PS4 store select the game and hit download, it won't download PS vita or PS3 games but it will add it to your purchased games list.

I've just done a little research about Super Freak and IMO the fourteen years sentence is nothing compared to what have he done!

Why would you say that? Please tell me your reasons.