It's only called Persona because of the crossover characters and the flying shadows, oh and they don't have blue haired characters in this show :(
It's only called Persona because of the crossover characters and the flying shadows, oh and they don't have blue haired characters in this show :(
Because you were LUCKY!
Thanks for the advice. Yeah that whole summed up sentence is really bugging :( this isn't going to be an easy endeavor.
I think it's the sixth letter not the fifth (ح)
I think you could understand them from the letters,(الكسرة قبل الياء, و الفتحة قبل الألف, و الضمة قبل الواو)
Not necessarily, (محارب الشوارع ) could mean that the fighter is doing his fighting in the streets. (حسب االإعراب)
Yup, Arabic grammar is every Saudi student's nightmare! Even the scientific studies are easy in comparison!
you were doing alright but you lost me at Evangelion...
Best case scenario they'll make a social link about blue hairs :D
They are detailed pretty well for a chibi redesign, even their personalities are intact! But why did they make Kanji look like a gorilla?
Ordered Persona Q! Thanks for reminding me Shane!
Fortunately, Persona fans are the sort who'll buy everything Persona anyway. I know this because I buy everything Persona anyway. I'm so eager to buy new Persona games that I'm purposefully avoiding telling you folks about the extremely limited Wildcards Premium Edition, so I can gather the $80 needed to purchase it…
I think I've read somewhere that both are right.
I think KLK would make an awesome fighting or hack n slash game if handed to the right developers, and I believe that Arc System Works and Platinum Games are fitting for the job.
Weren't they doing two movies for the journey and one for the answer?
Hey that's cheating!
Why do authors nowadays always end a perfect story with a stupid ending?