
Total fact. I routinely have a guy who comes in who makes 7 figures, no exaggeration. He wears pretty much casual clothes (usually some permutation of our local college team, drives a Maxima, drives himself, and he always orders a medium rare burger with extra sauce, on the side, and a diet coke. Every time. Every

They don't even have it that hard! After a few years your kid learns to clean up its own shit. My cat's never going to gain those faculties!

Totally agree. I have a friend who says things like, "You will NEVER know true love until you're a parent." While that might be true in her own experience, that's so condescending towards people who can't/don't want to have kids. Who are you to say that they'll never experience true love just because they'll never be

NOTHING shows less class than being rude to those in the service industry. You can have all the money in the world, but if you're rude to wait staff etc, you are trash. FACT.

I have to agree. I never really compare me having two dogs to my friend with twins but it is really hard to relate to her in conversations. She talks about her crazy kids-having life and all I can say is, "Yeah, that seems rough. Want to go get a beer?"

My best friend is a racist. Run away!!

Yeah, I understand why it's obnoxious to the mom, but I can see the other side of that issue too. Are childless people just supposed to endlessly nod and say, "Oh, yes, you have it so hard. Nothing I have ever done could ever compare to what you do," over and over again?

My daughter just broke up with her girlfriend over the girl's racist statements about what was happening in Ferguson. Sounds like it has generated racist statements from people who were able to hide their racist tendencies before this. I hope we can put to rest the whole "post-racial society" trope, which wasn't true

1-2) Your friends are assholes. It's okay to let those friendships fizzle.

racist friend: keep in mind, the only reason she's even able to be friends with this woman is because she's (i'm assuming) the same ethnicity (white, i assume again). She should ask the friend, would you love me if the only thing different about me was the melanin count in my skin? would you love me if i was different

Friend #1 and #2 are assholes. Friend #3 was merely an idiot.

Yup. Like how I won't date people on OKC who won't date people of another race, or who don't believe in gay marriage, despite being the same race as them, and not gay. I don't care that the beliefs don't directly preclude a relationship, they still speak to your values.

Alright, this might be an unpopular thought: I am over parenthood complaints. You wanted it, you got it. That doesn't mean that I don't care about maternity leave issues and workplace discrimination related to pregnancy and motherhood. But run of the mill, wow, having a baby makes me tired stuff, yes. I have an

Relevant (and applicable to me as well):

The first two letter writers seriously need to cut those friends out of their lives. People who are racist and people who are rude to service employees are the worst kind of people. They don't deserve friends. Life is too short to waste time being friends with awful people who sooner or later will direct their

Everybody in this life has his or her personal line that cannot be crossed. I want you to ask yourself what your line is.

Last gal's friend is just trying to relate. New mom probably won't shut up about the kids, and so the topic of "taking care of an inferior being" ends up being the only common ground.

All 3 of these friends are assholes.

For that matter, I think every human qualifies for that. Not wanting to be told they can't do something.

White folks really really hate being told they can't do something.