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Obviously not exactly the same course, but I think she and her boyfriend study these things pretty carefully and she'll be ready.

Even knowing how it ended, I was still on the edge of my seat, stressed out and cheering.

I teared up, inexplicably.

Best part of her win: In the post run interview, she turned to her boyfriend who was a top ranked competitor who had already been knocked out before her and said "I couldn't have done this without you." He replied "Yes you could have, but I'm proud to be here with you." I had always thought he was a little douchey but

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"Though one managed it three times in a row"

I follow Stephen on Facebook. He posted a video of himself doing it and then hopping down and making sure people knew it was actually him and not a stunt double doing it. He's pretty awesome.

You can blame the tv show Arrow for that one.

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The salmon ladder. It showed up on the original Japanese show, they brought it over on ANW, and Stephen Amell does it for his training/workout on Arrow

It's interesting to look at the Black Panties cover and imagine the rich inner lives and families and friends and interests and goals and dreams of each of those women.

Just to balance things out- Bat for Lashes man scarves anyone?

I think you're stretching- Respectfully. If they had painted her up al la Cleopatra, okay. But just sitting on a patio table- I am seeing this as more of a Dionysian thing. Beauty of the human form vs beauty in nature. Furthermore, since she is a Kenyan citizen... This isn't your typical white girl in a head dress,

I think you're reaching a bit in your outrage.

No she isn't, the daily mail will end up loosing due to libel laws here in the UK.

I can haz...

"We got us a second amendment now too, bitches."

I hoped beyond hope that this would be a bit of self-aware mockery of Jez's hilariously bad overly-earnest train wreck of an article on the Ancient Egypt video. Having been a reader since 2007, I should have known better.

Jezebel: overthinking pop culture since... how long have they been in print?

L'Oreal stopped testing on animals? I DID NOT KNOW THIS!!!

The guy played 547 straight games before this injury, the longest active streak in the majors. What do you want him to do?