
Appearing pretty new means nothing since no Tesla has ever has a real update.

You need to have a lot of money to live in San Francisco. Probably people who will actually benefit from that upcoming rich guy tax cut.

Technically speaking, there is no official body that really and truly is the final authority on naming international geographic regions, and countries can call them whatever they want. So yes, the US can call it one thing and Mexico and Cuba can call it something else. It’s stupid to call it something different in an

Bought a CX-90 last weekend, boy do I enjoy the inline-6. They really need to shove it into more vehicles.

1st Gear: It is important to note that the contract originated last December before Trump took office and while Biden was still president. I surely despise Trump, Musk, and their poor attempt at taking over the country but this whole thing predated our current predicament.

This response deserves a slow-clap ovation, well done.

Saying violence is never a good idea ignores that in a justified position, violence is the last resort. It should not be approached glibly, but to deny its power is saying the status quo cares for people and justice, and we know that isn’t the truth. But I digress.

I dunno man, at this point getting the official Tesla attention machine is a pretty tacit endorsement of Musk and his attitudes. He wrapped it in gold. He clearly wants the attention, but he thought it was going to be of the positive ilk. Turns out he was wrong.

Ahhhh yes, buying one of the ugliest and most obnoxious cars, wrapping it in the most obnoxious color possible, then putting a FAT QR code on the back doesn’t make him a huge attention seeker. He’s just upset about the type of attention he’s getting lol suck it up buttercup. Actions and decisions have consequences.

There is always the possibility, and I know this may be a radical suggestion but hear me out, maybe this guy is just an overall douchebag and the hostility has nothing to do with the truck.

[Parking garage, interior. Under the buzzing lights, two gangs face each other. One from each gang steps forward. A third person ties the left wrist of one to the left wrist of the other, then steps back. Both pull their closed switchblade keys, pop the keys out then, after a pause, fall comically in their haste to

God I love Jalopnik. Always hating on the Hitler Wannabe.

I think the article is a bit unkind to people with these stickers. There’s a difference between a CEO not being great on a personal level and the CEO being a Nazi hell-bent on destroying a free and democratic state. If we could only buy cars from CEOs where were great people, there wouldn’t be much to buy.

Oh, not just them. Fuck each and every person who decided that because Harris wasn’t their own personal unicorn, they were going to stay home or vote for Jill Stein. I understand the Muslim community in Dearborn is aghast about his plans for Gaza, the same community whose votes he won a plurality of. Hey folks, he’s

People with 911 Turbos and $120K to spend on another toy don’t need the plebs to be offering advice. They’re just trolling to show off their wealth.

Looks like that Porsche made a big impression on you. Don’t change a winning formula, get a bigger Porsche

*sigh* EVERYONE knows the coolest bond car was the flying AMC Matador from “the man with the golden gun”

The yellow just makes me think of the splitter guards left on Chargers/Challengers.

Yeah, but most people with that kind of money don’t really daily drive. If they have a work commute (many don’t), they probably have a driver so they can do other things while they drive. If you aren’t driving yourself, something like a Maybach or Rolls makes more sense, but in reality a lot of them just do the black