“From the 1910s through the 1930s, he became a fairly prominent public figure in Chicago high society...”
“From the 1910s through the 1930s, he became a fairly prominent public figure in Chicago high society...”
Can’t they get a foam windsock on that microphone? Dashcam video is good. Audio...is not.
Ok, I’ll give it a try next time. But it had better be REALLY good to make up for my ill feelings. Is normally just go up to Crescent and eat there ...
A few things:
I’m buying a 2002 Aprilia Futura next week! Pretty much the same price, but with a recent inspection and new tires and starter. I've ridden a friend's, and it's such a great bike...
Dinorwig pump storage power station in Snowdonia (North Wales). I used to vacation nearby for years as a kid, and was OBSESSED with it. Had books, videos etc. You could hike near the upper lake (but not TOO near!)
I have a VV Golf AllTrak. It has a single CD player in the glove box, and in the center console drawer below the A/C controls, it has an SD Card slot, so I can store pictures to display as the background to SOME of the infotainment screens.
The Volkswagen Beetle in the Bay Area with FEATURE (from the techie phrase “it’s not a bug, it’s a feature”)
That speed sign next to the road? It's a LIMIT, not a TARGET.
On a motorcycle, it doesn’t matter if you’re right (e.g. you have the right of way)... You’re dead if they hit you. Always yield and live to ride another day.
People who don’t get up to freeway speed when merging - nothing worse than driving in the right lane at 60mph and someone decides to merge at 45mph - causing me to have to slow down and risking being rear-ended by the person behind me.
I own 4 bikes (well, 3 bikes and a 150cc scooter), all of which I bought used and COMBINED they cost less than 14K.
When there’s a line of cars all moving forward slowly toward a stop sign and the car in front of you starts to move to take its place at the front of the line, DO NOT ASSUME THEY WILL CONTINUE TO THE WHITE LINE. Because they might just move forward 4' and stop, so you can rear-end them at 5mph.
Smaller A-pillars.
It would be a Nice Pipe. Definitely a Nice Pipe.
Except the British DO use miles. They always have and likely always will. However, they no longer use gallons, and when they did, they were Imperial gallons (different to US gallons) anyway, so UK MPG was always different to US MPG... They now sell petrol in litres (not liters 😁)
For those of you that don’t ride (and don’t frequent motorcycle-specific sites), Ari Henning is a smart, talented motherfucker. Also funny.
Automatic transmission.
No mention of Bradley or Mercedes’s motorcycles?