Oh yeah sure, a video game suggest eating people and that’s A-okay, I suggest eating people and everyone calls me crazy.
Oh yeah sure, a video game suggest eating people and that’s A-okay, I suggest eating people and everyone calls me crazy.
Holy cow, this is one of those games I forgot I ever played till I saw the video and it all came back. This needs a current gen re-master.
I understand the whole speedrun thing, and I get it, but I don’t see the point in doing it with cheats or clipping etc.
“It had all the serious aspirations of Far Cry 2 married with a love of big explosions that would make Just Cause blush.”
I’d care a lot more about Street Fighter games if Capcom didn’t re-release them 7 times, each time with a word added to the title.
I think I’ll wait for more info on the game before I think about pre-ordering. As good as Destiny is/was, it took 3 years, several pricey paid DLC’s and a re-release of the game, before it was even worth paying the price of one game.
Is this the same Red Cross who raised a buttload of money to help Haiti and then built 2 houses and bought a donkey or something?
This is fast becoming the shittiest launch since the Xbox One. You can’t turn up to a hardware launch and not have definite answers for all the possible questions, MS tried that and it went like this
Q: Why does the XB1 need to be always connected? A: Durrrrrr
Q: Why does the XB1 have to be bundled with Kinect? A: Durr…
Yeah I gave up reading, scanned the text for a definition of ASMR, didn’t spot one and got bored. When writing an article about something like this it might help to chuck in a paragraph, near the start, to help people understand it.
It may have already happened but if not how long until we have announcements for the announcement to announce something.
In my younger days, I was one of those obnoxious English people, who argued with obnoxious American people, while playing Modern Warfare.
If he wins the election I’ll regret giving up being a douche because there is no possible response, or comeback, to the insult “You chose Trump to run your country”
I was thinking the other day that too often these season passes get announced with no real indication of what you’re getting. With the exception of Bethesda RPG’s and COD map packs it’s hard to recall any season passes that where actually worth getting, but I can recall several that weren’t.
I don’t think they really try though. They did have a big public push about 7 or 8 years ago, I suspect they looked at how much that cost and how much effect it had and realised that to get a the Xbox to actually sell in Japan would cost about $275,801,348,129.99 and decided it wasn’t worth it.
It’s probably not worth the trouble for the 5 Japanese XB1 owners.