
trash show, trash franchise. enjoyed by trash people.

seeing the GOP pretend like they give a shit about mental health (or ANY health, for that matter) is rich as cheesecake.

Biebs’ glasses are killing me. Those are the glasses dumb people buy when they want to appear smart.

the Pro-Life party LOL

and he didn’t call the shooter a ‘loser’

i wish nothing but the worst in life on this trash family

good god, PLEASE stop giving press to this worthless shitstain family. i only want to hear about the Kardashians if Al Quaeda is flying a plane into them.

any skit where Bob sings is gold

i assume throngs of pro-lifers are descending upon these clinics to offer time and money to keep them open, right?

why are their faces like...that?

she looks like Dee from It’s Always Sunny when she does her highly offensive Latina newscaster character.

imagine being such an obsequious, authoritarian bootlick that you become an ICE agent. “i wanted to be a normal cop, but they didn’t get to subjugate minorites enough for my taste” 

i’m sure whatever the cost of the netting they objected to will be dwarfed by the fallout from this, but CAPITALISM!!!

i would imagine there are many reasons that would keep a victim from speaking up. google it.

this calls for a measured, mature response.

my cousin’s husband is a marine. his answer was “ok, so i went to fight for these people’s rights, and you want them to NOT exercise those rights???” he sees shutting down free speech as being disrespectful to what he fought for. why can’t everyone understand this?

so fucked. we judge the male perps by their potential future, while judging the female victims by their past. AMERICA.

i’ve been drunk enough to voluntarily eat Arbys, but never drunk enough to become racist.

it’s almost like religion - as well as white supremacy - is a tool of social control.

it’s almost as if every cop is a short-fused mental midget piece of shit.