
yes. one thousand times yes.

y’all getting sued by Vondies

another future Mensa member

this guy and Judah Friedlander are neck-and-neck in the Trying Way Too Hard To Be Weird Olympics.

as someone who wishes only pain and suffering on the Kardashians and their enablers/fans, this pleases me.

“This included him eating little food, having difficulty sleeping, and feeling anxious in public, his lawyers said.”

imagine being such an authoritarian bootlick asshole that you say “hmmm, the police force isn’t racist or awful enough for me, guess i’ll join ICE”

so sorry your antebellum gender roles are disintegrating, Goody Marsha

the “music” of Bleachers is almost as offensive as R Kelly

hey, the first iteration of Roseanne was a classic. but now it’s time to stfu and descend into obscurity.

drink bleach, you pathetic bootlick.. smoke all pigs.(in response to Chitown91's dumb ass)

et tu, Dennis Blunden?

the only thing worse than a pig is a pig apologist.

this is some Scarlet Letter level sex-worker-phobia.

true. we would need one of the two parties to actually embrace progressive ideas for any movement to occur.

yo Rick Ross, shut your pig snitch ass up

you should be more discriminating when picking friends.

this dude is such a chud loser.

when will the orange Cheeto receive the Mussolini treatment?

twitter is trash. i would tell racist accounts to get fucked, then all their racist friends would report me. so, i’d get banned, but not the original dicknose calling for race war. they allow 45 to break all their rules, but it’s fine since all they care about is commerce and web hits.