This should be an automatic replay for everyone who claims this arc was trash.
This should be an automatic replay for everyone who claims this arc was trash.
The KKK are based from Christian Values .. surely you know this.
I honestly thought the bathroom level after this was the hardest. The HUGE mash up and fast pace had me going for a ride. Cheap Cheap is definitely second though.
This is why I just stick to Best Buy and their rewards program. The only time I even THINK about gamestop is for those “exclusive” Collector Edition pre-orders that amazon “magically” runs out of in 3 seconds.
This comment alone has made my morning.
I am pretty excited right now for the Resident Evil franchise right now. They have remastered all of the games I was too young to comprehend (anything before RE4) and RE7 looks and feels amazing. Plus, their CG movies are pretty damn good.
I regret selling my Vita after reading this article ..
“I can confirm Herbs” and “the correct plural; fight me” .. I’m CRYING. I’m really looking forward to VII though. I’m hoping it resembles RE4.
I actually enjoyed this game as a child. It’s weird seeing it now though.