
I'd say this movie must have had an influence on The Wages of Fear. Definitely different movies but they share a nihilistic view of white folk working rough jobs in South America.

I just want to know why Clinton would want to kill the kid from Heavyweights and The Mighty Ducks, cause the last time I checked, the hacktivist was named Aaron Swartz.

Hey Erik, you really need to proof your articles, dude. You've got an extra "a" in the first paragraph and a "C.K." out of nowhere at the end of the 2nd one.

Was it just me or was that beach house in 'Model' the beach house from Wolf of Wall Street?

I'd love it if they combined this with the Neilsen ratings.

Was she ever.

No one else has said it, it's a shame the article didn't mention it given that it preceded Funny Face by 17 years.