
Came to post the same. This is so, so bad, and so, so embarrassing, and so, so funny. The name of his shitty talking head “news” show + the word music?? Hahahaha who does that?? It sounds like a URL or twitter handle that a band settles on when just their name alone is already taken, except it’s not, it’s THE WHOLE

Wow, so, I take it you don’t count paleo and vegan and gluten-free and juicing and all the myriad fad diets we have lived through in the past 10 years as “diets”? You seem to have deluded yourself into thinking no one goes on diets by making the word meaningless. Stop it.

Societies are built on the idea that people have the capacity to resist their baser urges for the most part. Abstinence only education doesn’t work because there are people out there who won’t be able to manage abstaining but that doesn’t mean that everybody is just fucking each other whenever and where ever they can

He ordered rock shrimp for ten years, but it’s his Nobu novice friends that “cheapen” and “embarrass” him by randomly ordering it.

I feel like he’s actually become one of those people who Guy Fieri’s cooler than. That’s terrifying

Here you go.

I hope the interviewer asks what it feels like to fly through the air under your own power like a superhero because that’s definitely my #1 question for Simone Biles.


Yes. As Spanish singer Joaquin Sabina wrote “ you might be beautiful, but tell me, if the world was blind, who would you impress?”

The Kim hate is her self involvement/obsession with her beauty. It has made her a rich and famous life (manifest destiny) but it’s extreme and there isn’t anything else that she has to offer that is of more substance in balance to her fame.


idk everyone is generally mean; i feel niceness deserves a reward

I hope TMZ got paid for that real estate promo.

I mean I guess at least they didn’t take the photo on top of a sculpture of two parrots fucking, so there’s that...

[sotto voce]

Some brands of almond milk have a higher percentage of calcium per cup than dairy milk. It also doesn’t expire nearly as quickly, IME.

Yeah they are adding that calcium into the milk. .. but then it’s not weirder than adding it (and folate) to bread.

So no mention of the “Classy AF” hat Tamra was sporting?

This is disappointing. I was hoping it would be a continuation of her $1700 a piece line of hip hop inspired clutches