
It was a purchase in part because I’m cheap (wanted more for my $$$) and in part because I use it for triathlon so I would probably lose the smaller one trying to use it in the race.

I enjoyed this episode, particularly after what I felt was a really disappointing season. Trying to make her trials with fame relatable just didn’t do it for me, which was a bummer, because the first three seasons were AMAZING. I don’t think a week goes by when I’m not singing, “This is where my poop comes out, this

I just don’t think that’s as common sense as you’re thinking it is.

I think the lifeguard was for the pool that’s right there. Not for the water you can’t swim in.

Look that’s not accurate - you do a step, such as 4, where you look at resentments, and IF you are responsible in a situation, then you own up to it, and make amends. Sometimes, you are definitely just a victim but It’s more about discovering patterns to your behavior(ex. I always date jerks, hmmm, let me look into

I get your point. That said, I don’t think you need anyone to explain to you that there are other sources of news you might find more suitable?

Do you always have problems with jokes?

I do (I'm 33), as do my two younger siblings. We all had to pay for our own college (hence the loans), so we’re living here while paying it off. My brother paid his off and is now saving up for a house. My sister and I travel to Europe often (I’m certified to teach social studies and history, so I want to experience

Lord do i know this feel. alcohol makes everything instantly better and worse. but if i have a drink, at least i have bought myself some time not having to think about it.

thank you. it’s very frustrating to have women who had great childhoods/stable relationships with their fathers come in and tell us we’re fucked up. I’m 32 and still dealing with the fall out of my father’s abandonment—-I’ve just finally stopped dating dudes who treat me like shit and thinking I can “change them”. Now

As soon as I saw “challenging woman”, I thought, “This seems familiar...”

I can see where you’re coming from, but most adults do not have ride-or-die, all-important friendships. Friends are largely a matter of convenience and proximity. If you find one you can open up to about deeper issues in your life, that’s terrific, but it’s not standard.

Or just manic?

I’m almost positive she’s bipolar.

Seriously, her talent and ability do not justify the continued level of attention paid to her. And to then attack him with a cheap and extremely offensive curry comment.

That escalated quickly?!?

Can’t help but think the feeling’s been mutual, Mr. Jonas.

Katy Perry is so fucking lame. Everything about her just reeks of desperation. But even she doesn’t deserve to have her heart broken.

I have an inexplicable to me love for Selena Gomez and irrational hate of Katy Perry, so I congratulate Mr Bloom. Also, if I don’t have a problem with that 40 year old who married the 80 yr old former senator - eh, they are both adults.

I am a tall, athletic female. I have broad shoulders. When I had short hair, I used to refer to it as my “hey, mister, you can’t go in that washroom” haircut. There is a certain type of woman who loves to say that line. It is the same type of woman who rushes out of her house when you park in front of it to remind you