That seems like a sure fire way to make sure Aquaman 2 bombs.
That seems like a sure fire way to make sure Aquaman 2 bombs.
Nobody gives a shit if you find him annoying. You couldn’t just say that he did a good thing?
How dare he have his own opinions!!
I used to dislike his curmudgeonly comments for the reasons other commenters have pointed out here, but he’s been consistent in his views for so long, I have to admire it. The problems with the comic book industry he’s pointed out have also gotten worse, so his cynicism is justified IMO. I think that he is still a…
Even Sam Raimi couldn’t save the Wizard of Oz prequel.
I’m looking forward to learning his name and what he’s here to say.
This shit is already sold out in my town and people are near-raging on facebook because they can’t get tickets.
That’s a fair observation. I guess I’m a little more forgiving of it here because of the history that’s already been established, but I can see where it might be annoying for the casual viewer.
A group of large adult babies wants to remake The Last Jedi, because waaaah waaaah. To help get their unofficial…
there was certainly a lot going on in that trailer. I’m sure BLOPS 3 fans can tell the difference but it looked exactly like what i remembered of that game minus the wall running. I was a long time fan of the first two Black Ops games and the Modern Warfare series but I still don’t want class based call of duty with…
well.. subjectively I’m wrong according to you. Not Objectively.
so there’s literally no way to make this game look bad, is that correct
Its not a revelation, and very few people are treating it as such.
Why are we pretending that the idea that there are other people beyond the Skywalkers using the force is some kind of revelation? That’s always how it’s been. Like, in addition to the prequels, there are entire episodes of Clones Wars and Rebels that deal with other force-using kids. Not to mention half of every Star…
She said she knew the truth all along. Did you forget that part?
I don’t see how Bone is in the wrong here.
Good on Bone for realizing that he is a person nobody outside of his bubble should know who he is.
This would be more endearing if the company hadn’t already set up the game to make the most money possible from faux-gambling systems and holding back content for pre-orders and DLC.
It might be good or mediocre, but it’s what some people wanted.
Am I only one that thinks every single FF movie was terrible, and a truly bad representation of car culture for all of us?