
Just stretching my arm.

Your first two, 100% correct. But FUCK Day Light Savings. Not changing the clocks is the one thing AZ does right.

Poor sled design appears to be the problem. You want the country name on top and the abbreviation on the bottom.

Please oh please don't compare an NFL locker room to your email reply-to-alls.

Lesson Number One - don't have kids.

No. Just flat out no. Plows are not always out before the snow. Salt either comes too late, or can be washed away by rain that falls ahead of the snow. This makes for longer and more dangerous commutes. There will be deaths, easily topping the 5 in Alabama in larger cities. Yet life doesn't stop for those still alive.


Head-butting a guy is apparently A-OK in the MLB as well.

He's just going Incognito for a while.

I thought it was the Penn State police department that looked the other way when confronted by troublesome people, not the other way around.

I have no problem with him playing. However, I do have a problem with him meeting his 2 year old son for the first time on the poor kid's deathbed. Your son deserved better from you.

This is disgusting. How come nobody taught that kid to avoid passive voice?

Let's do a whole bunch of stupid, illegal, and boorish shit and then flaunt our guilt by posting pics and tweets.

But mostly he will be remembered as the kid who was hung.

Oh, are we using AP style here? Gross.

so on average the two of them blew exactly the legal limit.

The arresting officer noted that Sandusky's failure to change his surname was the initial sign of impaired judgment.

and 1/4 cup of blueberries just to fuck up the system

In uding it now, its realy gopd. O wull rwcimend it to everuone