
We can all decide for ourselves how much murder disgusts us. What I find so appalling & disgusting though is the sheer stupidity. Connecticut, Massachusetts & Florida are all next to this big god damn body of water. Why are you committing murders like a poor person not able to afford a replacement gun. Buy a new gun,

God, I knew Aaron Hernandez was bad, but this takes the cake.

I think he was more skeptical about climate change (you know, not biased but looking at it critically like scientists should) than a denier. I suggest looking deeper into it if you prefer to obtain a more critical stance on it yourself.

Jurassic Park wasn't anti-science. The heroes of that movie were all scientists and Michael Crichton loves science. Hammond wanted to commercialize the dinosaurs. He had little interest in science. It's a cautionary tale of science without ethics and being driven by capitalism. It's something Crichton expanded upon in

Because then you wouldn't have enough geeks to make up the population of a small village paying for 3 day passes and only seeing 3 panels.

"I have never liked the Bryan Singer X-Movies. They're really badly written and directed."

Here is an actual line I just wrote about this conversation elsewhere:

Well, I'm aware that a lot of people love the X-Movies, and I don't want to piss in their mouths just because I'm in a bad mood.

I'm with you dude..5 movies and I haven't been happy with any of them. They are X-Men movies in name only. And the worse part is the terrible reimaginings of some of my favorite characters have bled their way into the comics. Rogue, Wolverine and Cyclops have been ruined for years.

Totally agree about the powers in Singer's movies. They're basically just plot devices, and it shows.

I agree with a lot of what you said with the exception of X2, which I thought was terrific.

Unpopular Opinion 101:

Thank you, fellow Grammar Nazi. I apologize for my grievous error.

What is DinoCity?

Did someone mention the 2nd amendment? I think his lawyers have a case on that.

Sam are you dating one of the dipshits at Jezebel or something? What exactly is your argument here? That a guy who probably didn't rape that lying bitch was convicted of rape, served his sentence and is now working? What is the point this hack job piece of shit article?

I can't believe I'm saying this, but if they want to make another Jurassic Park movie, it should be a remake of the original.