
Who cares? James Cameron is never going to film these things, he’s all talk.

A mythology is great if it’s planned out and headed somewhere. It’s the only thing that kept me watching X-Files long enough to see all the monster of the week episodes which I find half terrific and half uber unwatchable.

The Delorean bit was where I put down the book in delirious laughter. This dude couldn’t be serious. The Delorean with KITT with Ghostbusters on the doors?

I have always loved the deliciously impossible assertion by the media that Trump and Co. are simultaneously evil geniuses bent on world destruction who through their genius have insidiously wormed their way into power and are now executing their evil plan to revive the Third Reich in America and must be stopped

Disney might have the power to do this.

Affleck was an inferior choice for Batman. I really hope he gets the nod next time. This guy would kill as Batman.

Iron Fist is still better than most of Agents of Shield and that’s saying something.

I spent $4000 on Lyft and Uber in 2016.

Derron has had it rough. I remember him driving around campus as an unpaid college basketball player in a brand new 7 series BMW. It’s hard to hold up psychologically under that stress.

Google could probably help you with that extraordinarily simple definition in less time than typing that.

It’s pretty clear Cosby was out of control, I’m just trying to imagine the situation where someone I don’t want to have sex with hands me three pills described in that way and I willingly take them. That doesn’t make it right, but like...what’s your malfunction that you’re like sure ok Bill Cosby I’ll take your relaxy

Gee...Trumpcaid would do it.

Neither foul on Draymond warranted a technical. The first is usually not even called as a foul. The Warriors didn’t benefit, they were fucked by both calls.

Durant out-decisioned Lebron?

I would have liked the original Ghostbusters to start the movie.

This show was abysmal. I binged the first season and was honestly beyond bored the entire time though not as bored as in Outlander.

I dated a Bulls cheerleader and then a girl who made the Cowboys squad and I looked at what they were making and were restricted from doing and was stunned. These girls are effectively a big face of the team and they get paid dick and basically end up working hours that prevent them from getting a real other job.

I can’t wait for the reboot. They’ve all been trash compared to the books.

Arrow needs a reset. Flashpoint should have provided it. It needs a gritty as fuck season long mystery that Oliver has to solve by not acting like a boneheaded retread the whole time. Something simple, but twisted. No more gay Olympians and widowed hockey mask dudes. No more mayor. No more Captain Lance. No John

Hahahaha come now David Goyer is one of the worst writers in Hollywood. He is a complete hack that got lucky with two Batman scripts in his career that were likely good because Nolan fixed them. Goyer ensures this will, sadly, be trash.