I wrote a silly sci-fi script. And I'm a Nerd of Color.
I wrote a silly sci-fi script. And I'm a Nerd of Color.
This isn't about functionality. It's about transforming your daily shutdown into a ritual the Apollo astronauts would be proud of.
@♫ Realityism ♪♫: Whoa. Now _that's_ evil.
@qban.boi.84: Huh, that makes sense. Thanks.
"Obviously, malicious hackers are racing to get a slice of that market."
@Zebra_without_a_face: And then there's the rippin' and the tearin'.
Holy Fantastic Planet!
I like frivolous stuff, but DAMN THIS IS FRIVOLOUS.
Reminds me of my Amiga days...beautiful stuff
I think they should go even lower res. Talkin' 8 bit. Thereafter it will never need updating again.
@srwight: I tried that once. And now I have to wear a helmet wherever I go.
1. Squeeze your eyes shut.
Remember the ones that would light up whenever you got a call? Almost as if to highlight the fact that you were holding a small microwave device in your pocket/purse/murse/kangaroo pouch?
Goodie, we get to take down AT-ATs. Again.
@Rob Stevens: Business opportunity! "The Mouse Parking Brake"!
I miss round plugs.
@bossmojoman: Looks like I should follow myself, I guess.
White boy learns that "black" people are complex, sophisticated human beings.