
@sharkd: You win! Jalopnik, feel free to close comments now

@meg9: I just thought of that too. I'm in Santa Monica, and damn there are lots of homeless in the library. Aside from expensive options like The Office in Brentwood, I guess cafes are the only other option...

Um, free wifi at the public library? I honestly don't get the whole working in a noisy cafe thing.

@drsquirrel: Oh no—I know there's all kinds of bike geeks out there, all living in their separate worlds.

I loved my Sidekick(s). It was like holding a Space Mountain coaster car to my head every time I made a call.

Very cool!

Let's play Bike Geek Comment Bingo! Keep an eye out for:

Two words. Utilikilts.

I could totally fit those in my butt.

#6 is sooo Zardoz, dontchathink?

No people pix? Oh well.

Lame. Just quit working so much. Then you get to sleep in your own bed.

The music video is back! Tank yoo OK GO :)

That's the DeLorean of bikes. And in the best possible way.

I would not be able to survive work without my Sennheisers. This gentleman definitely made people's lives better. RIP

My little mouse friends will love this!

0.3 mm permanent marker. Each author gets 2 square cm to write in.

@Nikolaidas: Hear hear. I hate finishing a game only to have the words "73% complete" staring back at me.

Page is my new hero. Diller is infamous for his douchiness and needs to be taken down a notch or ten. #google