
A cake produced for a same sex wedding will not be appreciably different from one produced for a hetero wedding. The act of simply creating the cake doesn’t violate their “religious beliefs”, only the possible future context of the cake is the actual sticking point.

Do you ever get the feeling that we must have all died at some point over the past three years and this is, well, hell?

We’re in the dumb money/ “irrational exuberance” phase of the bubble. The cynical bubble surfers are probably calculating their exit, and I imagine that the 10,000 mark could be the “symbolic” threshold which triggers the run.

I think you mean than Felming Begaye is the oldest living Navajo Code Talker, not the oldest living US WW2 vet and certainly not the oldest living WW2 vet.

Currencies are currencies because we use them...

Less water use will lead to lower energy use, but if you have to keep the water heater at a higher temperature you may actually end up negating all energy savings ( all this assuming you have a standard tank water heater.)

“desire for an indentured caretaker in one’s old age”

The fog descends whenever this topic is broached.

Ok, but there are degrees of severity and not every “unwanted touch” is sexual assault.

Great idea!

Thanks for injecting some actual scientifically guided reasoning, the techno-gnostic narrative is really tiring.

I’ll admit that my little rant, after a number of beers, was not completely directed at the article or the author. I’ve lost a lot of respect for this site in the past couple of months. I find the “woke” olympics to be a bit much, and frankly a bit self-absorbed at times. This site is dedicated to manufacturing nice

The author is appropriating “fat narratives” and assumes that anyone who may be overweight (according to our normative language games) must by default be unconcerned by “calories”, reinforcing the notion that anyone overweight must necessarily be “out of control”, “unhealthy”, and cannot assume their own physical

What if a trans person has ulterior motives?

Insulting? Maybe, but in a more or less meaningless way. It’s an “insult” that lacks the societal structure to truly be considered an “insult” in the same way as a racial slur.


She reminds me of “that” person who constantly goes around basically calling everyone “toxic” or a “hater” , without ever coming to the realization that they might be the problem. No, your “experience” is not reality or another equally valid “point of view.”

The “Blacks for Trump” guy (the one behind Trump) is probably mentally ill. Visit his site, the one he had on his shirt,

Pedophilia was more acceptable in the past than now, and for some reason people have concocted this selective memory illusion that it is some “modern” evil.

I don’t think so.