
It was a vegan restaurant, a natural magnet for people with with ‘food allergy unspecified’ or ‘self-diagnosed’ celiac disease. Asking for a whole potato is only bizarre in that environment.

Huckabee’s use of the term ‘Supreme Being’ is very odd considering he’s a bible thumping Baptist. Is it 1793 France? Is he Robespierre?

“ it was summertime

A bobo hobo

We’re watching a video celebrating the app store. “I’d put it up there with the invention of the microscope or the telescope,” says beloved scientist Neil DeGrasse Tyson,

Eco friendly, woman designed and run ‘brand’, family run factory....

Let’s not frame this as a question of “choice” or whether or not she is a good parent. No reputable doctor should administer IVF treatments to a 65 year old woman. Pregnancy at that age is dangerous to her and to her children. Let’s not beat around the bush, this is completely reckless and immoral behavior.

“I was a geek in high school, no guy ever paid any attention to me”

Those clothes are incredibly garish and lacking in taste, I had no idea they were a sign of “breeding.”

The problem with every computerized diagnostic tool is that it depends on how a person “perceives” their symptoms. What separates a mild headache from splitting pain? A lot. But some people perceive their symptoms as worse than they really are or vice-versa.

It stopped being widely used to designate Roma people in the late 19th century. I don’t know if it was a slur to begin with or a relatively benign term.

It depends on your level of friendship, what kind of person said friend is and the circumstances.

I don’t know why they don’t anesthetize them first and then shoot them up with whatever they find Judy Garland’s medicine cabinet.

He’s a pretentious blowhard, a snob without even token humility. He’s a garden variety media whore with no taste. How do I know this?

“Gideon eats everything you put in front of him.”

She’s bobbing her head with her fingers pinching her nostrils. I have a feeling this is a goof just for fun. Very Rihanna like. I don’t care about her music, but I love the fact that she kinda doesn’t give a shit, like when she showed up in the sheer dress or stuck all those journalists on a plane.

Let’s throw in half of all the unemployed and then pay the other half to dig their bodies out. That will solve unemployment and bring back true prosperity. The surviving unemployed will then be put to work on the skyscraper, allowing us to then turn it into the worlds tallest cemetery to honor those brave unemployed

I don’t agree with the rationale behind the sex offender list, but for different reasons than you may assume. I’m not against it or for it, because there is no easy solution and if one digs deeper the whole criminal justice system crumbles.

I don’t even think it has to do with her race. Think of all the fabricated instagram “inspirational” quotes that attributed to every famous person of any race or gender.

Coke should go where it belongs, in a organ designed to hold acid for a lifetime.