
I’d like to see that kid too... Maybe someone should send him a link to that Jezebel article involving One Direction fan-fiction and “knotting”... Google it, actually don’t, here it is:

And we’re dealing with a survey, so the real number is going to be much higher. Overt racism, the noose and white hood type, is pretty difficult to find nowadays. It has gotten to the point where the anti-affirmative action/ bootstrap politicians don’t say they’re racists, but accuse those who are against them of

He’s talented, but so what? There have been far far greater talents that don’t constantly proclaim their “genius”. The nickname Yeezus, the magazine cover with him sporting a crown of thorns, the ridiculous quotes... talk about delusions of grandeur. He’s not the Messiah.

I accidentally puked on a Dutch Reformed Church in the Hague when I was just a young impressionable lad at THIMUN, the crown jewel of all Model United Nations. I was admiring the long stained glass windows from below and then BLARUAGH the Indonesian dinner and cheap beer came thundering out.

Yeah, I get what you mean. It is definitely not an ideal solution, but maybe its benefits might outweigh the problems. Obviously, I don’t really know and can’t know unless I was able to observe the actions of every model on earth and then come up with some sort of conclusion.

I have friends who are naturally quite thin and I know essentially for sure that they don’t have an eating disorder. I lived with a friend for 2 weeks on vacation and I was never more than 15 feet away from her at all times, she ate the normal amount and I never heard any retching coming from the bathroom. She wasn’t

I've been on SSRIs and have since stopped. Frankly, they didn't affect me in a positive or negative way. I've had to deal with depression, with brief episodes verging on psychosis, for the past five years. I've lived in my own little neatly tended hell of insecurity and listlessness, a space between the rational and

If the report is true, that is some grade A awful parenting. What mother would talk about her son’s “issues” on TV?

Marijuana is not some "natural" panacea and can even worsen mental illness in certain susceptible people. Marijuana is neither completely harmless nor evil, it is a drug and like every drug it affects people in different ways. Alcohol can turn some into slightly goofy but affable people, while in others it can bring

Come on, that is some pretty awful poetry, and since when does being a "poet" prevent a person from writing passable prose?

It's that subtle mix of genuine emotion, drunken vulnerability and play acting that makes it so fascinating. If you're lucky, you can pinpoint the exact moment when the person realizes they're making a fool out of themselves, but continues to act distraught and then slowly draws down the performance until all that is

If you believe that the missile defense system is intended to counter Iran, you're living in a fantasy world.

I don't necessarily have anything against surrogacy or sperm/egg donation as long as it is done voluntarily and without any money being exchanged, but I am totally against paying for sperm/eggs or paying a surrogate.

Children are born without teeth and women start lactating after birth for a reason. If a woman decided not to breast feed for a reason, then her milk should be replaced by something similar. And last time I checked, women don't secrete ground up chicken liver after giving birth and Palaeolithic man did not have access

These unscientific "health" nuts are so whacked out that their "cures" are downright child abuse bordering on infanticide. Letting your 7 year old smoke cigarettes would be less harmful than what they are proposing, and no, I'm not for child smoking.

Gotta love Russian leaders, they run the gamut from autocratic Tsars, to fiery revolutionaries, paranoid megalomaniacs, corrupt drunks...

In terms of acceptance, France isn't generally "rabidly" homophobic, but they tend not to want to "know" about your personal life. After all, homosexuality has been legal there since the French Revolution, while in the states homosexuality was only truly legalized after Lawrence vs. Texas in 2003.

I lived in LA as a kid and recently returned as an adult. We have the same anchors, but they've transformed from reasonably attractive middle aged adults into Ken dolls held a little too close to the fire. You can roughly tell who they are once you take into account the questionable plastic surgery and pancake makeup.

The fatal flaw with ISIS is that the whole ideology, while obviously potent, is so fundamentally irreconcilable with the modern world that it is doomed to failure. Take the Russian Revolution, whether that experiment could have succeeded is meaningless in hindsight (we all know what happened and it wasn't ideal), but

These people passed an Oscar to Randy Newman before Ennio Morricone, and poor Ennio only got a "Lifetime Achievement" one...