
I agree. Why do we have laws against child pornography? To protect children from sexual exploitation and, I assume, as a way of maybe not "enticing" pedophiles to "get ideas" and act out on their urges. These kids were not truly "exploiting" each other for sexual gratification or financial gain and they can't truly be

I almost have a feeling that she thought the subject of the song was so self-evident that it didn't even merit explanation. And she was being interviewed by Tavis Smiley, so maybe she wanted to avoid the topic of lynching out of "politeness" and then talk about the song in broader language in an attempt to make it

I wonder why anyone would want to become a proctologist or a podiatrist...

It's not really an "open relationship" agreement, behind the wannabe legalese writing it essentially says "Let's have threesomes" and "You can procure them, just don't fuck them unless I get a piece of the action". The basic idea behind setting ground rules in a relationship isn't the strange part, it's the detached

She's definitely channeling Moe from The Three Stooges with that haircut.

I have a dirty trick that I find useful when you have to discuss a long text in class, but can't be assed to actually read it:

Smoking has gone from perfectly acceptable to some sort of quasi-demonic addiction, as if the smoke from a cigarette is going to travel 500 feet and snuff the life out of a sleeping infant.

Diagnosis: Xanax hangover after a couple of espressos.

I agree. Bondage is not something ninth graders should learn in school, even though they've all seen worse on the internet. My "sex positive" side says "go for it" if you like it, but my latent Catholic superego tells me it's degrading and immoral. And why draw the line at BDSM? Are they going to talk about rimming?

Nationalism, racism and religion form the unholy trinity of death. I pity the people who can't purge their minds of hateful poison.

For water: Look for an outcropping of trees or a particularly dense area of vegetation when you are stranded is an arid or semi-arid place. Random thickets of vegetation usually mean there is a spring. If you're trying to find a stream in a hilly or mountainous area, get to a high place and scan for the largest valley

This is the sort of thought experiment that could lead to a fistfight between mathematicians and physicists.

Off the cuff semi-humorous remarks aren't nearly as offensive as the creaming in their pants reaction that every 24 hour new outlet has whenever a horrible tragedy strikes. Cable news anchormen secretly pray to the altar of bad luck, hoping for a plane crash, genocide or civil unrest. If the world was all puppies and

Tell that to my wife! The only thing she knows about money is how to spend it!

Her book's title : "Quantum Wellness: A Practical and Spiritual Guide to Health and Happiness"

On the mental illness letter:

I don't understand it either.

If the kid has teeth, nature is making it quite clear that breast feeding is now redundant.

If I didn't care about my child's wellbeing, I would probably go with a ridiculous Greek name like Hegesistratos Phokas of Pontus or Palaechthon Zamolxis the Cynic. Those names command respect in a way that 'Cayden' simply can't. By age 10, little Zalmoxis will already have a full beard, be well versed in alchemy and

Wouldn't they check the models age not just to uphold their policy, but also to make sure they weren't violating certain aspects of child labor laws? Either they are lying or they have some pretty shoddy administrative practices.