
This isn't about "Political Correctness", this is about common decency and being able to experience some level of shame. The car window and Chernobyl photos are somewhat excusable, but the Auschwitz and Trayvon Martin photos are in complete bad taste.

I call bullshit on the $74 a pound cockroaches.

Assuming this idea is completely feasible (which I doubt), there is one looming question over the whole project:

As a general rule, whenever someone bestows upon themselves a positive title you should immediately run the other way. A very attractive person who goes around claiming they're "hot" comes off as obnoxious. Now imagine if that person is average looking, but still clings to the delusion that they are very good looking.

FYI: If you live in LA and are low income, you may be eligible for free replacement fridge.

You're right, looking back it was definitely more than 3-4 inches. I guess it just seemed larger as a kid.

Was it by any chance a Compaq II Portable? That computer was my first as well...

Generations are not "more caring" than others. Trying to quantify "caring" is basically a totally flawed approach and doomed to produce nonsense. Obviously Millennials tend to be more open on subjects like sexuality, but that doesn't make them "more caring" in any quantifiable sense. Are those who fought of race

"Ignore him and keep making money, people. "

I used to be a minor CLF, but have since reformed. Now I tend to show up early and actually sit in the car until the appropriate time. The best way to combat being late is to keep all the clocks in your house 5-15 minutes fast. With each clock at a different degree of being forward, you assume that every clock is

I seems like more people consider themselves to be "creative" nowadays. Even in smartphone commercials, they hype up the fact that you can fiddle with design and create music while on the go. Nobody is composing a symphony or designing monuments on a Samsung Galaxy III.

I enjoy eavesdropping on semi one-sided conversations, where one person is just sitting quietly and the other is whirling their tongue. I particularly relish listening to people attempt to talk with authority on a subject and dazzle people with their intellect, but end up referencing philosophers such as "Aristocracy"

You can find a particular "cultural" shoe just plain ugly without it coming off as "ignorant". This particular American liberal brand of condescension towards other cultures desperately tries to come across as enlightened.

That jacket looks like it was plucked straight out of grandma's closet. There is a fine line between trendy fashions and mail order clothing for the setting sun crowd.

A psychopath on par, if not superior, in barbarity to the guy who burned a bag of puppies.

You're one of the monsters, the rotten cancer that somehow equates human life to that of an animal.

Who are these people?

"Women don't tend to care as much about science and research –- anecdotes are often sufficient for evidence."

Great, so should I now sell my children on the black market?