hangin' with seneca crane

Yes, but the problem with the name Harriet is that it does not make sense in Icelandic, and it can't be made sensible. If we want to stick with the Arabic thing a bit longer, it'd be like how a name made only of ق (which is kind of, like, a K or G that you make entirely in your throat) would get thrown out immediately

I've been to Iceland twice and plan to go back. It's wonderful. You guys have a great thing going there, so whatever you need to do to protect it, carry on!

"who's past is returning to rightfully haunt him."

I bet you are a blast at parties.

As an icelander, I can appreciate this rule more than the average American, I think. Icelandic names have to be conjugated according to how they are being used. Were my name Anna, for example, I would introduce myself as Anna but if I were giving someone a gift it would be from Onnu. Additionally, we're a pretty rabid

A lot of white kids look up to black stars too, which should blow that excuse out of the water.

Thank you for this post. Sadly, reasonable thinking is not common on this blog and the writers are quick to call something racist without realizing they're guilty of what they're complaining about. I've seen endless posts about "cultural appropriation" and how "reverse racism" doesn't exist because "whites are the

I find the idea of cultural appropriation ridiculous to begin with. And the idea that SOME groups of people are okay to act one way, and others are major assholes to do it, all based on skin color is a huge sign with 'Hi, clearly we're not all equal when one person doing something is okay but another is not because of

You aren't going to get an answer because the whole identity of someone like Kat Callahan revolves around you being a bigot, "die cis scum," "it's not my responsibility to educate you," etc. There is nothing you can do to please him because he's just going to keep blaming you and not his decision to cut his dick off

Well I'm glad that's settled!

This is amazing. I love it. I don't know why, but these guys just entertain me so much.

Sugar, if you weren't married at 18, you're still a time-waster like the rest of us fuckers.

Not cool to shut down a commentator like that. StoriaGleinem's comments don't come off as trying to be trolling or offensive, so I don't know you're doing that. Maybe put a disclaimer on your article that says 'DISSENTING OPINIONS NOT WELCOME IN THE COMMENTS BELOW.'

I'm not surprised a shit writer doesn't want different opinions.

I think its terribly misguided that you're comparing this to Trayvon Martin et. al. Those are all different cases with their own particularities and back stories. Yes, it is very much true that we live in a society that fear young Black (men), but turning these cases into some representation of that doesn't do any

I was trying to think of what to say but I think your question summed it up perfectly.

Are you new here?

Umm, where's the " SPONSORED " tag, did i miss it ?????

The Israeli government is the bad guy in the sense that Netenyahu doesn't realize or ostensibly doesn't care that he's running an ethnic cleansing operation under the pretense of protecting Israel from an existential threat which Hamas simply does not represent. I wish it were hyperbole but he's actually putting some