
compared to britney's raw vocals in a studio... this is not bad at all, especially considering she's also running around and dancing.

I shared a bedroom with a friend in college. She studied abroad one semester and got a subletter that refused to put sheets on her bed... she just slept on the bare mattress. She rarely showered and never said a word to me in the six months we shared a room. But the best part? She wasn't a student and her only

Cosima is the hottest one, but Allison is my favorite.

I'm not wrong... and it has nothing to do with the students and everything to do with the fact that our cops were not armed in riot gear.

Guess what wouldn't have happened in Madison tonight had the game gone the other way?

RIP Renly Baratheon, he was the best of them.

seriously, how did she not know how to correctly respond to that one?!

give the poor kitty some of the food, jfc this is stressing me out. poor little ginger kitty i want to cuddle you so hard.

while i agree in this instance hancock is still a fraud

NO ONE outshines the Tyrells


I recently attended a close friend's funeral. She died at 24, so there were many young mourners there. Had any of them whipped out a phone while I was crying so hard I couldn't breath, I would have with no hesitation spit in their faces and stomped on their fucking phones. I really don't care if you weren't as

optical illusion, it's just all the fillers blowing up his face making it look that way

on the show they've completely wasted him, but there is substance to him in the books if you look closely, especially in his conversations with both Jaime and Tyrion. Jaime sees himself in him...a young, arrogant knight who has had the world handed to him. Later, after Renly's death he loses himself, which Tyrion

GOT/ASOIAF spoiler:

There have been several instances of Abed being ultra-meta on Community, most notably when he commented how things would have been resolved if they were on a TV show, but since they weren't, life is a bit more messy.

oh god, yes. I'm a news producer who has to deal with a great, charismatic sports reporter and an anchor who knows shit about sports and will actually do her nails and read magazines during the segment. It leads to some hilariously awkward television.