A lot of shows start off like a box of parts and it takes a while to create a working assembly and, more critically, an interesting assembly.
A lot of shows start off like a box of parts and it takes a while to create a working assembly and, more critically, an interesting assembly.
There was fuel poured all through the compound. You don’t give up by dousing yourself in fuel. One woman who ran from the flames was caught when she tried to run back into them.
That was the original plan, but there are some things even a Jersey landfill won’t take. Who knew?
There are already materials in that category, so an additional one would have to be significantly simpler or cheaper to deploy for it to make a difference. Not to mention the naturally occurring evolution of viruses and bacteria working outside the system.
In other words, you can’t name the branches of Government. It’s OK.
Not even close to false. You are nutjob wrong. Crazy nutjob wrong.
Yup - it’s the silent burn. You can see your posts in your stream, but they are entirely invisible to others, regardless of content. Still haven’t figured out what happened to kill my original burner.
I haven’t confused anything except you, who seem terminally confused. If the US Army accepts the orders to go against 2nd ammendmenters their ‘militia’ will be wiped out,as demonstrated several times as mentioned. BTW - United States National Guard deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan. They are part of the US Military.
That’s because you have never been ambushed by tigers. Trust me. When it happens those are the two words you scream out TIGER AMBUSH! Alternatively it’s a FUKFUKFUK of tigers.
Batteries like that only explode when confined, such as in an aluminum and glass phone enclosure or aluminum tube vaping device. Even most explosives just burn rapidly if they aren’t confined.
Won’t you be surprised if they find www.god.com encoded in there along with how to build the Internet.
Unlike nukes, one could develop an organism that specifically defeated or was totally ignored by the human immune system, making each human infected the source of more copies of the organism. As a practical matter, this won’t be attainable for a while, but there is no reason this cannot happen. Right now Tasmanian…
It’s only on pay-perv-view.
They already do monitor for edit activity. But there’s a threshold for caring about it. Some pages get edits several times a day, these edits are on the order of a few a month; down in the noise. 185 edits over 3650 days isn’t a pressing problem. And they aren’t trash edits, where big sections of articles are replaced…
Do you order motorized goal posts on e-bay or is this a home brew solution?
I once worked on a project that was going to sell over the road cargo trailers for 1.5 million each. Everyone enthused. It’s military, so they can be expensive, right? But it seems odd to me. Until someone comes out and says its Kroners. Each worth about 10 cents. Sudden lack of enthusiasm for $150k and a 90% cut in…
They need to combine it with the Disney Research Power Room. Just make that where you sleep and the watch is recharged wirelessly overnight.
In the late 1800s Sir Hiram Maxim, wealthy inventor** of the Maxim machine gun, built a plane that weighed several tons, had a wingspan of nearly 110 feet and was driven by propellers nearly 20 feet in diameter by a 360 hp motor. He attached it to a rail axle of several tons to guide it on an 1800 foot test track for…
Kickstarter lets them gauge the market and decide if further development is worthwhile regardless of cash flow. It isn’t a bad idea, especially since that’s where they got noticed first. It’s cheap market research.
I listened to the AmpHour podcast #326. They covered this sale and were just stunned that anyone would turn down nearly a billion dollars for a product line like this. Even if they thought the market might be worth it some day, how could they believe they would have it to themselves. Fools.