
We'll all have a new asshole to deal with.

It's really like we're going from having a specialized site with a main page designed to fit the contents' needs to just shitting out articles like Tumblr posts.

How does this site continually get LESS intuitive and attractive over the years? It's mind-boggling.

You da real MVP dawg!!

It's probably the best streaming-original kids' show I've seen yet (I've heard Trollhunters is good but I don't do CGI) - it has high quality traditional animation, enough weird touches and jokes for adults to give it that Cartoon Network flavor of all-ages appeal, lots of imagination, good morals, and groundbreaking

He tried, with The Goode Family, and it didn't work for anyone.
Silicon Valley proves he still has gas in the tank as far as ideas go but I think the utter failure of TGF after his first two cartoons were both such enormous successes probably still stings.
But yeah honestly Fox should just give Mike Judge the go-ahead

Yup, it's a show that serves a scheduling function! I think it's kind of sweet that the network has kept that as tradition for well over a decade. It's one of the few dependable things in life.
(That, and the ratings are solid enough from people who tune out to it every single night that they can't justify yanking it.)

Yeah, the original ran for 13 seasons and while it never got awful the last few felt tired. They have to mix it up somehow or they'll quickly find there's not many more places to go without losing the show's grounding and decending into wackiness.

Tress' range is pretty limited nowadays, in that she's not really believable as a younger character. Still a great VA but only for certain parts. You need at least one more woman. But they have that, so they're good.

It's funny because this usually happens

Futurama's back on Hulu now, along with all of Bob's Burgers and American Dad

I've had two Great Pyrenees dogs in my short life and I can tell you there's no way that one would EVER hurt anything smaller than it (or anything that's not being blatantly antagonistic) - they're protective herd dogs, bred specifically to keep watch over animals such as these.
They're also extremely affectionate,

When you spend ~7 years of your life with something it tends to inspire a deeper opinion than that, I find. There's basically no shows I bother to watch that I'm that indifferent on.

There's a few seconds of footage from the pilot out there if anybody wants to see how it looks (spoiler: a lot like RS)

It's a quite formulaic show so it's very probable that if you watch a bunch of it you'll get burnt out.. but it did vary only slightly in quality its' whole run. Though the earliest seasons are the best, the later ones are probably superior to the middle ones. Mostly because a lot of the sometimes annoying

Fridge Largemeat

We know for sure they're working on it, [as] officially renewed it and a few months back there was a picture of Doc and Jackson outside of the studio on the day they began production.

Bob's Burgers being removed from Netflix was a huge bummer and Loren Bouchard has said it's unfortunately not coming back there any time soon but that this summer there will be an announcement about making "all seasons available".
I hope it goes to Hulu, personally. They have more shows I watch anyway, and it would

At least when Venture Bros did that really off-color joke in season 1 with sign language translation over a speech impeded/mentally handicapped person they had the courtesy to have it be an accurate translation. Step up your effort game Jamie!

Our show might be getting its very own version of The Simpson's "Blood Feud" from season 2, which aired in July because production fell behind schedule.
But given that June 11 is only three weeks out, I'd say it's more likely a holdover that's been sitting on the shelf since the 6b/7a production cycle that they don't