

This is the band doing their own reissue, the Capitol deluxe versions were cooked up by the label without the band's knowledge or consent for a quick buck after they left following their contract expiring.
That being said, given how loud their albums have always been mastered this century, you can basically guarantee

The worst part is that the picture is clearly photoshopped.. this listing is a scam, without a doubt in my mind.

He was indeed the head writer, probably drafting all the plot outlines with Jhonen, editing the scripts, and throwing in jokes here and there but I think the only episodes he actually wrote were the FBI Warning one and the one where Zim has a giant zit on his face.
Did you here they're making that new Zim TV movie, too?

I've definitely seen it referred to by Joel as "an appearance" by them in a different article so it will probably be just one episode, adding some continuity to appease old fans and give it some genuine claim to being "season 11" and not "season 1".
Mary Jo (Pearl) and Bill (Brain Guy and Crow) are both writers on the

I never got the impression that Mike is vocal or combative about his beliefs (because he isn't, he seems perfectly professional), but Frank definitely is.

Here's what the FAQ says now:
"It was previously stated on this site that Shout Factory was not
paying us any royalties for the classic episodes of MST3K. That was
completely and totally untrue. Don’t know how that slipped by, but Shout has been nothing but kind and generous with us. If you have attended our live

Frank or Trace (unsure which?) posted a tweet recently saying they'd fixed their Mads website because it used to say something in the FAQ about them not getting any royalties from the episode sales, and confirmed that they've been getting paid now. Spent several minutes looking and can't find it because they both

Some people will.
I get why Joel wanted it under wraps, as MST3K has always had this allure (especially pre-internet) of being like a haunted house in which you have no idea what's inside. It makes the "experiment" more interesting when it's something so completely ramshackle and obscure that you have to ask "where

I still think they should do Gamera vs Viras and Gamera vs Jiger, the only two """classics""" they didn't get to in the original run. And Shout! Factory has the rights so it should be a piece of cake.
I guess there's also Gamera: Super Monster which is considered to be in the same series though it's from a decade

It leaked (in unconfirmed form) months and months ago, now we just know it's real. I'm not even a backer, fyi, it was just sitting plainly available on one of the MSTie Facebook fan groups.
Wikipedia will be updated with all this stuff in like two days so I don't think I'm really ruining anything for anybody.


Right ahead of Doug TenNapel and Norm MacDonald.
Mike seems generally sensible and open to ribbing on both sides, he's just a square midwestern WASP-y type. I doubt he's a Trumpster, though he has the good sense to never bring it up.

Joel in a dorky stoned prop-comic way and Mike in a 1950's square dad way
What kind of lame is Jonah?

I'd imagine the incredibly stark contrast in political opinions between Mike and Frank (probably Trace too, as he and Frank seem to be great friends) doesn't make things easier, especially at this tumultuous point in history. I don't even know how they managed to be in the same room, much less write scripts together

That stuff has all been sorted out since Shout! Factory made Jim Mallon an offer they couldn't refuse and bought the show a few years ago. Since then, by their awesomeness and good graces everyone's been getting paid, hence the MST episodes available on Rifftrax's site, etc.
It's been known Bill would be back as Brain

That "Dad's mannequin leg" bit was definitely a Harmon joke

They are actually in the studio working on VB right now, so it'll be 2 years at the most. Usually it takes longer because Doc and Jackson take time off between seasons to work on other projects.

It's gonna be the new drummer for Yes. If they can replace their frontman and keyboardist with The Buggles, anything is possible.

I love that you could tell the debate teacher was about to say "I don't fucking know" to Jocelyn but quickly stopped himself short. Great acting