Senator Mendoza

The second episode of this season got an A- from this reviewer, and the first and third episodes got a B and B+, respectively. So it's definitely hyperbolic to say that the reviewer doesn't like this show.

Your parents are actually antisemitic ghosts, right? Otherwise, I'll have to doubt the legitimacy of your story.

I don't think you understand how polling works. From the NYT:

That generation doesn’t need ACN, because that generation is already constantly plugged into the news.

Empirical evidence says otherwise. Pew Research polled people to determine their knowledge of current events: young people did the worst. Out of 12 questions, here's how many each age group answered correctly:
- +65: 5.2
- 50-64: 5.5
- 30-49: 4.9
- 18-29: 4.4

Best line of the night:

Would the U.S. really trade five big bads for one ex-CIA director, as Lockhart claims they’re ready to?

Politicians — especially Republicans — gleefully exploiting a tragedy for political gain, well, I never!

Especially considering that during the Haqqani-Aayan meeting, the same thing happened. How did no one know that the ISI would tip them off?

I hate the unnecessary pagination on those blog posts.

It's almost as if they were deliberately exaggerating their emotions in order to get more camera time and they didn't really hate each other that much.

The thing that I find so annoying about the Newsrooms is that Sorkin is making media criticisms that have already been made by others, but better. Plus he's directing his ire at Fox News and CNN, instead of their audiences. Cable news isn't doing anything that millions of Americans don't want to see. No one is

The writers better reveal who was leaking information to Sandy (aka Corey Stoll) and why he was stomped to death. The ISI's actions, up to this point, have been Carrie-levels of irrational and reckless. What possible reason would Pakistan have to jeopardize billions of dollars of U.S. aid?

Did anyone else notice what appeared to be a camera flash up in the hills in that final scene of Carrie and Aayan hugging? Aayan may not be an ISI agent, but he probably is being tracked. It wouldn't surprise me if Carrie's cover is broken by that female ISI agent in an attempt to turn him.

And whenever they're not reviewing Boardwalk Empire, all the other reviewers should be asking, "Where are the Boardwalk Empire reviews"?

1) Joy said something revealing after she was eliminated:

That sentence has never been true in any situation, ever.

I could be wrong, but I don't think she had a name. IMBd has Emily Walker listed as "Landlady."