

He’s going to fire Mueller, he’s going to do it with the full blessing of Republicans in Congress, and everyone knows it. Just hurry up and get it over with already so we can officially mark ourselves down as an autocracy where Trump IS the state, just as he wants it.

Between this lady and Cillizza, it’s really time to just throw my TV out the window.

Rex is right, I hear there’s even one high-profile shitcake who spends all day on Twitter lobbing insults at his perceived enemies.

Stop. Buying. This. Fucking. Newspaper.

Anyone who throws a snowball at a Republican without a big rock embedded inside it is not a true patriot.

They put a Nazi in the Oval Office, why should we be surprised by this?

I thought the tape from the Russia proved that he LOVED leaks.

He really does get the shaft - no assistant-billing in anyone else’s movie even a la Black Widow in Winter Soldier, Falcon in Ant Man, Hulk in Ragnarok, Iron Man in Homecoming, et al.

Come on guys, can’t throw him a bone and put him in Ant Man and the Wasp to help out?

While the students stepped up, all I saw on Facebook all day was bullying, hectoring, backward parents and numbskulls mocking these kids, intentionally misinterpreting their activism, parroting NRA slogans, and wedging their pet issues into the conversation. If I read one more “What about abortion, why don’t they

Well holy shit, I grew up there too... CCHS class of ‘01. Here’s to those of us who escaped!

It’s disconcerting to see these braindead inbred opiate-addled morons cheering for their messiah. They are to blame, and we should not hesitate to hold them responsible.

It’s good to know that someone this clumsy and accident-prone is surrounded by a mountain of deadly weapons.

But if they can force gun sales to school districts, they open themselves up a whole new market, and all it costs is more children’s blood.

Both were attacks on America of titanic proportion. Russia’s attack is worse, because Trump will have killed far more than 3,000 Americans by the time he is done.

Between his support of mass shootings, white supremacist violence, war abroad without care for civilian casualties, and gutting the health care system, he

It’s good to know where the Republican Party will find their next nominee for the Senate.

Before we make fun of this site, I just want to point out that the dating profiles make a lot more sense in the original Russian.

Even this pathetic toothless mini-measure will end up dead in the House.

America won’t be safe until we ban every single goddamn gun. Start with that, then work backward.

More like OKStupid.

The nice thing about this is that there’s no membership fee because Mexico pays for it.