Jack Frink

Are you saying Poltergeist is “bad Tobe Hooper?” If indeed you credit him with the direction, it’s near the top of his filmography.

Both Lost Boys and Goonies are actually bad movies. Heavy nostalgia working for their legacy.

E.T. and Goonies aren’t even in the same stadium as far as quality is concerned.

It really is worth returning to as an older person. It’s universal in its appeal, despite being from the child POV.

No. Poltergeist is a great movie.

E.T. is eminently rewatchable. However, it is my favorite movie so of course I’d say that.

I agree Season 4 is underrated. Clearly the weakest of the seasons (the finale is very weak for an ending), but that never translated to “bad” on my personal scale.

Yes, Season 6 is great. Some of my favorite episodes overall are in there.

Eh, I wouldn’t go in for child abuse. He probably should’ve been more involved in his kids’ lives when they were younger.

We’re not seeing any of them other than Blanc in the sequel.

Linda didn’t seem upset at all about Ransom being arrested. She’s known her son is rotten for a long time. She’s well on the way to recovery by the end of the film. She didn’t seem all that indecent during the movie, IMO.

As soon as Marta says she will pay for college, Meg thanks her and hangs up. She then turns around and we see the rest of the family watching/looming over her. Her gaze back at them expresses clear and obvious shame. The direction is making clear the dynamic at play there. She was indeed under pressure from her entire

Yea, probably not. Very few would.

Meg was under incredible pressure and folded; that doesn’t condemn someone IMO. Her remorse at her actions is clear and, importantly, Marta forgives her. And she accepts Marta’s offer of financial help. I did not see that character (or Linda) in as harsh a light as some others here did.

He also calls Marta an “anchor baby.”

I wouldn’t classify “doesn’t want to be forced to drop out of college” as someone being “greedy.” Her family’s financial issues hit her like a train; she was unaware up until her mom’s desperation was made obvious to her. At no point does she show inappropriate desire for her grandfather’s money or disingenuous

Easily? I don’t see it that way. The whole family is looming over her, clearly putting her to it because of her friendship with Marta. When she hangs up, it’s after Marta says she will help with the college payment; she doesn’t push harder on that. And the look she gives to her family upon hanging up is very clearly

Meg was fine, overall. Her friendship with Marta was genuine, she didn’t seem overly greedy, and she only tried to pressure Marta about the inheritance when she realized her mom was broke and, consequently, she was pressured by the entire family to try to guilt Marta. The phone call was clearly done under duress, and

I disagree that all the Thrombeys were totally horrible. Linda and Meg came off as pretty sympathetic, IMO. Linda yells at Marta when the will is revealed, but that’s really her worst moment. Meg tries to pressure Marta about the money, but she’s clearly being pressured to do it by her family. Their friendship is

Linda has a ruthless side and does not take (SPOILER) the reveal of the will very maturely, but at no point is she a realistic suspect. In her genuine grief of her father’s passing and how funny she is, I think she (along with Meg, another character who is at no point a suspect) is the most sympathetic member of the