The Marty joke was good until he added “he’s tiny.” Explaining the joke kills it. The monologue is really Tl;Dr, though.
The Marty joke was good until he added “he’s tiny.” Explaining the joke kills it. The monologue is really Tl;Dr, though.
Have to imagine you always complain this much, and are always this mad. Calm down and focus on what really matters.
It’s definitely a more sanitized version of the man. I still don’t think the movie made him out to be a hero.
Thelma Schoonmaker was the editor for The Irishman. So you may not have agreed with the choices in story length, but the film definitely had an editor. One of the best ever, in fact.
Eh, if it’s heroism it’s an extremely complicated type. His movie version seemed to be suffering for his own ego as much as anything else.
I didn’t feel he was a tragic hero so much as a man obsessed. The early scenes where they show flashbacks to his father basically screamed “this is why he’s messed up.”
I don’t know where the “American Sniper made Chris Kyle look like a hero” interpretation came from. He’s yet another Eastwood protagonist who is warped and damned by dedication to a life of violence. In the movie, Kyle calls the citizens of Iraq “savages.” His innate racism, along with his destructive, willfully blind…
Those are two of his more conventionally structured movies. The villains in both are fascinating, though. It’s a different Marty storytelling mode.
It can if done right. If you have a blanket dismissal of movies based on that criteria, you will probably not enjoy many of Scorsese’s movies.
A lot of people think Inherent Vice is an outright bad movie. They’re wrong, but yeah it’s unusual to see IV ranked higher than Master or Thread.
What I’ve seen around here is that a sizable group at the AV Club thinks Interstellar is a technical marvel but too sappy to be great.
Hurt Locker isn’t on this list because it’s 2009.
I love IV, but that’s a bold take.
Birdman is far from one of the decade’s best films. It was far from one of 2014's best films.
The characters in Wolf are supposed to be unlikable. They’re all awful people.
Yeah that would be a good entry.
Yeah that deserves to be in the top 100 somewhere. AV Club is really down on that one and Interstellar a lot of the time, though.
Glad to see others on this site appreciate that film. It’s in my top 10.
“Almost nobody” has heard of The Master? I think that’s a dubious claim.