Jack Frink

LOL would love to hear your idea about what was “more elegant.”

The death of the Earth is one of the most plausible things in Interstellar.

Yes, Gravity was a “piece of shit.”

I think anyone stuck on the “how did the black hole work that way?” question is largely missing the point.

You look good as a pretzel, Captain.

There are a lot of people on this website who pretend it’s not great.

Maybe not female leads, but nearly ever Scorsese film has extremely strong women characters.

Yep. She was so wasted in that role that she won an Academy Award.

Hugo is a major work.

Film threads have gone down hill significantly on this website.

One nitpick: there is definitely emotion in Dullea’s performance during the iconic “open the pod bay doors” scene. He’s really good; watch and you can see the nuance in his delivery as Bowman’s fear and panic very nearly get the better of him. He also clearly checks himself and calms down at one moment. Yes, all the

Only Reservoir Dogs really ends on a downer note. Hateful 8 isn’t a particularly hopeful ending, but neither is it “unhappy.”

You shouldn’t project.

“...without this article I wouldn’t have the ammo to shoot down those friends’ requests, and hopefully change my gf’s mind.”

The scene in PF you are describing is not funny, and is not supposed to be.

You don’t seem to quite grasp my logic.

It’s clearly a better movie that Reservoir Dogs.

Now you’re doing the “why isn’t this movie about something else?” criticism, which is not a thing.

You’re not describing this movie.

Movie is not misogynistic. Emile Hirsch is garbage and my awareness of his crime dinged his presence in the film.