Jack Frink

A lot of people hated that movie on first viewing. It’s...not accessible.

She’s pretty unforgettable in it. She kinda hovers over everything, and the limited dialogue serves that dream-like character construct.

This may be the most enduring Simpsons moment. There are a lot of candidates, of course.

“is gonna be MeToo’d into the seventh circle of hell any minute now?”

She was armed. She had broken in with intent to kill. She had to go.

One of the most entertaining movies in while, yes.

Intentional misreading of art is fun.

You are being reductive and it’s not a good look.

Yep. Nailed it.

They weren’t very civil to the SS in that movie.

Yeah this movie’s a masterpiece and the ending is only one part of why.

Disagree on faster version being better. Subject matter requires a more somber approach IMO.

Yeah, she’s a cruel, vicious, racist mass-murderer. The film’s main villain. There was no sexist treatment of her by the film. Her ultimate defeat is (somewhat) celebrated because she is fundamentally evil.

He didn’t just apologize, he took actions to atone. That’s what people who have done wrong are supposed to do, right? The victim of his directorial irresponsibility - Thurman - publicly forgave him and made it clear that, because he endeavored to make the crash footage available to her and accepted responsibility, she

Not really anymore, actually.

Allen Klein.

There’s nothing to get. This is a very stupid attempt at controversy.

QT’s movies are filled with strong female characters. There are a lot of filmmakers you could side-eye in terms of female representation; it’s a reach to knock Tarantino on this front.

Also, Daisy gave more than her share back. Everyone is brutalized horribly in that movie.

Boopy doopy doo sex.