Britta is basically the hero of the show. I think you misread the character.
Britta is basically the hero of the show. I think you misread the character.
No, I think it’s stupid to say Chelsea Clinton can never speak out against sexual harassment/abuse.
Nope. Not close.
I’ll also go to bat for his very funny performance in I Heart Huckabees.
I think it’s pretty clear he’s a troll.
I think we’re pretty safe with Thomas Pynchon.
He’s done.
You started this thread talking about how all the listed music in the article is stuff you don’t like.
St. Vincent’s 2017 album rocks a lot harder - and angrier - than U2's 2017 album.
Yeah Bob Dylan has been a sexist jerk in public many times.
We shouldn’t be terribly surprised that Hoffman’s answers weren’t satisfactory. It’s become clear that he doesn’t believe any of his behavior was wrong. The most recent revelations about Dustin Hoffman’s actions make Oliver’s questioning (which happened before the second round of allegations) seem all the more…
I definitely realize it’s not a high bar, but LBJ would sit comfortably next to The American President IMO.
It is easily Reiner’s best film in 20 years. This review is wrong.
This movie is better than this review, and Richard Jenkins - while looking a lot like LBJ, it’s true - is a dead ringer for Richard Russell.
From a season that tons of AV Clubbers in the Before Time hated!
This comment was 10 days ago, but it’s kinda weird to read it in the aftermath of Jones’ big upset.
1. Magnolia
Those people already feel this way.
Not to mention the one party guest straight up asking Allison Williams if sex with an African-American man is better. Kinda hard to lay it down thicker than that.
The mention of the particular items Teddy is hoarding - two-legged chair, Gerald Ford bobblehead - are hilarious on the show, but also fit perfectly as Berninger lyrics. The National always have those idiosyncratic details.