Jack Frink

The National is “twinkly?”

This sounds like “Carin at the Liquor Store” from Sleep Well, Beast. Not a demerit, just interesting.

Sean needed that to further underline the “Cranston is out of touch!” narrative.

Cranston’s comments that Spacey isn’t a good person and his career is over, and these comments saying it may be possible to show compassion for these people at some point, are not actually diametrically opposed. Honestly, I don’t read this answer as “comeback to being a Hollywood player,” but “comeback to being


Yep, that’s how I read it too.

The most he can be blamed for is coming off as a little haughty in that video. Sure, that’s Jon Stewart’s personality.

Ding ding! I don’t understand why there are so many people misreading that section.

I guess you didn’t see what he was doing this weekend.

“...which most young liberals today only have empathy and compassion for those they see as just like them”

CK didn’t really get “permission.” He asked the women, and if they said anything other than “no,” as in “Um...what?,” he took that as permission. It was very much non-consensual.

“That said, I’m still baffled why any man would think their colleagues/acquaintances would be okay watching him masturbate in front of them.”

I think it’s pretty clear he’s referring to the latter, as he also says CK’s actual offenses are indefensible in the same statement.

To my eyes, that seems to be exactly what he’s saying.

Yep, Tammy’s a handful!

Yeah this was an A episode.

Yea, I understand that viewpoint and somewhat share it myself. However, I don’t think Ferrell has as much power in this decision-making process as we assume.

I saw LBJ at a screening last year. It’s the best Reiner movie in 20 years.

Also very good in Interstellar.

I don’t think Ferrell wrote or directed the movie.