Jack Frink

Maybe I should have added quote marks.

I disdegree.

I don’t see how this hypothetical study is relevant to anything.

Slow learner, huh?

You’re pretty interested.

I got more of an “artist’s problems with control and personal relationships” vibe.

I had the same reaction.

“Regular people.”

I guess you’re new to the AV Club.

But you’ve spent a good deal of time in this comment section. So you’re clearly fascinated. I think this is a “thou doth protest too much” situation.

I honestly wonder why people follow pop culture at all if this is how they respond to a new release with this much talent behind it.

I’m going to take your opinion with a grain of salt because you think Linda’s sister is named “Chloe.”

That’s not a thing.

At least we’re finally at the subject you really wanted to talk about: yourself.

Well I’m sorry you missed out once and are going to miss out again.

Why are any films made at all?

Magnolia and The Master are his two best movies IMO.

A great film can be made about any subject.

If you wanted to be treated with respect, you have to earn it. If you want to be treated like a stupid person, keep saying stupid things. You’ve been treated far nicer than you deserve at this point.

Need Albert Rosenstein GIF with the line, “it’s trying to think.”