Jack Frink

Ugh, the “people are pretending to like this movie I wasn’t so hot on” fallacy. Is that now acceptable because we’re on Kinja and thus have devolved?

Yeah the Diana/Steve scenes in WW were an unexpected highlight. I really don’t get where people are coming from with “she’s not that good onscreen.” I thought she nailed it.

I thought she was really good in Wonder Woman. Haven’t seen her in other roles.

Catch Me If You Can has some heavy Christmas elements.

“Taking art out of filmmaking.”

That isn’t an anti-American slogan. You don’t know what you’re saying, which is typical of reactionaries. Also, the fellow you were replying to never said all right-wingers are Nazis. So you have a strawman as well as false equivalence. Oh, man, you are drowning and it’s your own fault. If only you would listen to the

It’s your fantasy that 100% of the anti-Nazi forces (AKA the majority of the U.S.) act like these guys. Your embarrassing anecdotal evidence actually provides additional credibility to my earlier statement. What a terrible mistake you have made.

Yeah that is another reason to be excited about this. Also, Lynch has second billing behind Stanton so he’s probably in a major role.

“...because the “opposition” to the so-called Nazis are going around waving Russian flags and showing off anti-American signs?”

Ironic, because ultimately Vader was a much more honorable and sympathetic character than Bannon ever will be.

Woah woah woah, Beastie Boys are a “shit act?” What?

I bet Dire Straits gets in, too. Those hits are iconic, and Mark Knopfler is seen as one of the great guitar players. Both of those help with the Rock Hall.

And Radiohead has appeared at the Grammy’s, so they’re open to appearing at these types of events.

As in they won’t show up if/when they’re officially inducted? That’d be too bad.

I think Radiohead, Nina Simone and Kate Bush should all be shoo-ins. Also, it’s shocking they still haven’t gotten around to The Smiths or Depeche Mode, who everyone generally agrees are among the most seminal bands of the New Wave era.

After Twin Peaks we like Jim Belushi now.

He didn’t hold onto Julia Roberts in that movie, though. And he only got her by pretending to be a totally different person lol.


How do you feel about Altman’s Nashville?

Liked for that very dangerous hot take in the final sentence.