Jack Frink

It was clearly better than the (at the time) recent episodes, at least to my eyes.

I thought the Simpsons Movie was pretty darn good.

Yeah that was my reaction.

Everyone wants to make a big impact a la Blue Velvet with that theme. But it wasn’t even a “new” story idea in ‘86; you need someone as uniquely talented as Lynch to find something new in that trope.

Kinda feels like you’re missing the spirit of this tribute article/comments section.

I’m pretty sure I still enjoy that great song.

Damn, I meant “A Thing About You.”

The Waiting is my favorite well-known Petty. My favorite deep track is off the same album (Hard Promises): Something About You.

I think “I Won’t Back Down” may be his greatest composition.

I disagree that bad covers cheapen the original song.

Oh that is definitely a classic.

Haha “audience.”

The Tom Petty Effect is when an artist’s work has so saturated popular culture that, despite their fame and following, they are taken for granted by the general populace. Upon further consideration in light of the terrible news, I’m more and more convinced that Petty was actually the only musician who qualified for

The albums are really worthwhile. Lots of great stuff beyond the hits.

And now we’re reminded that Jonathan Demme is also passed.

I don’t know about that. The corollary to Prince “making it about himself” would be a bad solo that marred the song, wouldn’t it?

I’d be interested to see who #4-1 was on that 538 list.

That sounds more fun than the actual movie.

Or...don’t read it.

Projection won’t help you.