Jack Frink

Speed, from ‘94, was by Jan de Bont (and it is great). You are referring to 2013's Rush.

Yea it’s a really bad place.

Yea, because direction has nothing to do with performances.

I liked Red Dragon and at least one of those Rush Hour movies.

Looks like I hit a nerve. Again, you come undone very easily and, in the process of your meltdown, broadcast how deeply obtuse and unhelpful you are on this topic.

Willow is generally seen as one of his lesser films. I thought Frost-Nixon was quite good. While Howard is undeniably mainstream, equating him to Ratner is ridiculous.

Grassley is sundowning badly (look at his Twitter account) and this quote further reveals how be can’t handle his job anymore.

Or my original suggestion of sociopath. But libertarian is basically a synonym, anyway.

I’m glad this comment was approved. Everyone here can now see how my original, one sentence response unraveled your incoherent POV and made it clear you shouldn’t be taken seriously. We need to dismiss BS like you if we’re going to fix our problems, and you just screamed out that you and your opinions are a waste of

Really doubt that. Is the new narrative that Ron Howard has never directed a worthwhile movie? Because I disagree

Sounds like a pretty fun set piece to me. I think we’re being needlessly negative.

If I remember my Star Wars mythology correctly, “the really shitty part” of Kessel is the whole planet.


You wrote “rationally” when you actually meant “like a sociopath.”

Yea the Kayo OP is basically a worthless whine in the context of this debacle.

Lol. You’re doing exactly what I said you’d do. This conversation is now about you.

“I’m a stowaway, because I’m always stowing away,” is one of my favorite nonsense lines in any piece of entertainment.

I appreciated the Star Wars screen shot at the top of this article, because I knew it was a sly reference to one of the greatest sketches of all time.

The correct answer is Clive Clemens’ Inappropriate Responses Channe.

Lol those websites are hilarious. I expect you to reply quickly.