Jack Frink

It’s clear you find it very important to publicly rationalize your awkward feelings.

Stone, Portman and Moretz have all been dismissed or bashed before. I’ve seen it here in these message boards. The other actresses named have not become Lawrence-level famous. If they do, this backlash will happen.

Both the Tarkovsky and Soderbergh versions are great.

Ashley Judd was on Twin Peaks this past year.

You haven’t seen Winter’s Bone and you think she intentionally tripped. It’s tl;dr land for you!

Bingo. How dare a woman become famous and beloved outside of their influence?

You see this with every actress who receives laudatory review and then lives up to the hype in ensuing projects. I see it as another form of misogyny, and I’m waiting for it to swing around to Brie Larson once Captain Marvel premieres.

That actually isn’t the reason at all. It’s as if you didn’t pay attention to the story and came in with a pre-conceived narrative!

I think they’re feeling both.

The real Tommy isn’t in the same place Frank is now.

There are a lot of little nuances in that scene once you get beyond the visceral horror of it. 1.) The mafia guys are so tired once the beating is done, they’re practically falling over as they drag Nicky and his brother into the grave. 2.) The look of remorse/anger on Frank’s face before they start in on Nicky, as if

Cornfield scene in Casino is probably the most graphic murder sequence in any mass-released American film.

I saw someone on Facebook update their status with “Hank’s back, Kaepernick is out. Football is back!” These people complaining about “politicizing” sports are actually mad that it might not be politicized to their prejudices.

Tim Tebow starred in an anti-abortion commercial. You don’t know what you’re talking about. He embraces his status as a right-wing fundamentalist hero.

Yep, we know modern conservatives are ultra-thin skinned whiners who desperately desire to be victims. Thanks for giving yet another example.

Yeah Adam Baldwin has always been much closer to his Animal Mother character in Full Metal Jacket than Jayne in Firefly/Serenity. This is unfortunate.

I think Searcy has some self-esteem issues about his career. He once responded to one of my (admittedly mocking) tweets with “because I’m famous!” I was left thinking that other TV stars usually don’t need to justify (no pun intended) their position in life in online arguments with nobodies - and with good cause.

Yea, the episode of The Simpsons where he replaces Apu at the Quik-E Mart (“Homer and Apu”) plays a bit sadder today because the funny and talented James Woods it features is gone forever.

You can’t reach across the aisle to zealots. They will always move the goal posts. I suspect you know this, but are trying to gaslight.

Your angry rant is confirmation of my argument.