Jack Frink

Yeah I really liked Painting With.

These posters are actually the very Bernie Bros that their cohorts keep telling us don’t exist. They aren’t actually interested in working toward a better future, and they will never take responsibility for their role in this current nightmare.

The charge of casual racism is a pretty intense accusation.

This review has an underlying edge that suggests Dowd has some long-simmering feelings about Payne, as well.

If you’re losing your sense of rhythm because of The National, you probably didn’t have rhythm.

Huh, I always thought of “Secret Meeting” as a signature song of theirs. this the greatest thing that has been on television this decade? I know there are other competing titles (Breaking Bad and Mad Men come to mind), but this has to be in the top contenders.

Her most recent album was her best work so far, though.

Howard is a better filmmaker than Trevorrow.

I don’t really see Audrey’s story as a “bleak ending.” To me, she clearly woke up in that final shot. My interpretation is that she is in a mental institution, but finally broke out of her delusion. Her distressed confusion is not a final bell toll of doom, but a totally realistic (IMO) reaction to realizing you

In my reading, Laura woke up in that final moment. She screamed because she remembered the horror of her previous life, and on top of that realized that she had been displaced in time. A pretty terrifying thought. Again, “the Return” title has many readings.

Your opinion of his recent work doesn’t stand up to scrutiny when viewing the films, IMO. And he did reshape Jaws, Last Crusade and other work. I don’t think you’re really giving the man his proper due.

Ever since last week, when some people guessed that Naido was Diane in disguise, I knew we’d get yet more “Lynch is bad on race” takes.

The reputation of the person bringing the story to the screen would have something to do with it. I don’t care that the book may be bad (haven’t read it), but IMO that detail shouldn’t color expectations before the movie has been released.

What “wretched showing?” We have one trailer. And the movie doesn’t come out until March 2018.

As long as we’re talking Spielberg, I rewatched Bridge of Spies this past week. A masterpiece.

They knew exactly what they wanted and they achieved a perfect balance.

Judging a movie you haven’t seen yet bc you didn’t like the book it was based on is illogical to me.

AI is accepted as a classic in many circles. Amistad is a fine film.

1941 and the BFG are good...