
But will it work if you hit a pedestrian the size of a semi trailer that is wearing clothes that are sky blue and the driver is watching a DVD of Harry Potter at the time?

Isn’t Meeker the best? At first I thought he had to be a troll. Now I think he is legitimately the guy living in his mom’s basement working on his doomsday prepping.

New information! Hey, I told you that you were socially awkward. Is that new information? Can you bare to learn it?

Writing short responses about the interesting psycho I found on Jalopnik.

Still was blown away by him playing an “enforcer” in the movie version of “The Firm”.

hence no critical buildup of pressure

So perhaps the more accurate thing to say - these events are individually preventable but inevitable for humanity in general.

Explosions create concussion and shrapnel which can injure other people or damage other property. Would you rather be standing next to an explosion or a fire? I do not think the distinction is nitpicky. But I do agree explosion is better clickbait.

Definitely avoidable. as someone who enjoys riding both road and trail, I would never ever carry my phone in any pocket of my shorts. Given for my road bike there are no pockets. He basically fell on his phone and shorted out the battery. I have a small pack behind the seat to carry all this stuff. A location out of

Oh, I missed this gem

Are you suspecting your intake valve is open during the combustion or exhaust cycle? Are you running a lot of overlap?

I also suspect they do not use them for technology test beds. The generally use established and proven reliable technology. More bells-and-whistles, the more stuff to break.

The police arrived too late to take the photo. The aliens had long since departed the area.

Not true. I am still trying to cover up the existence of aliens.

Aliens... Jimmy. Aliens everywhere!

Dude, the OP was talking about how the right over generalizes the left rather than understanding how diverse the group is. You respond by generalizing the left. Thanks for your contribution.

City dwellers think you can take metro/bus/bike/walk everywhere on earth (their entire planet is the 10 sq miles of the city), so why the hell do you need a car?

Same people that complain about the $65 charge from the plumber or electrician that took an hour and a half out of their day to drive way out to the burbs and look at a light switch.

But I was in my 20s. Swapping differentials in a garage in the hot ass Texas summer didn’t bother me then. I also didn’t have three kids soaking up massive amounts of available time.