
The general rule, in polite society, for when you see a celebrity you admire in public, is, if the opportunity presents itself, to say something like, “I love your work” (while maintaining a reasonable distance), and then move on.

The only thing celebrities line up for, in my opinion, is a job that includes a lot of promotional work. I’ve seen lots of famous people but wouldn’t have dreamt of even asking for an autograph unless they were at an event where that was expected much less followed them to get their picture. This is not okay and I

I realize this is just confirmation bias. My Mom passed away, unexpectedly what will be a month ago this Thursday. And it seems like everything I read now is about Moms or death. I know, I know. Confirmation bias. But also, my Mom used to sing to me “You Are the Sunshine of My Life” after she brought me home (I was

Wait, wait! I know this one! Let me smell it, look at it in a glass. I can detect oxidizing wine 6 months before anyone I know. It’s my superpower. OK, it’s Pavlovian conditioning. Oxidized wines give me a migraine in minutes after just a sip or two. My brain is really, really good at detecting the aroma and slight

#TeamNoone, Cardi B’s homo- and transphobia against Minaj’s constant support of sexual abusers.

As someone who broke up with an addict and had people cast every success in my life after that as something I was “doing to them”, fuck all that noise. If seeing his ex happy was enough to push him over the edge, he then he was going over the edge anyway.

“Seriously THOUGH”!

Are we sure her left implant didn’t just float up?

I eventually settled on assuming he was trying to say that every Eminem album that comes out is considered bad for a period of time after its release, which would be news to me but I kinda get it. I never rush to listen to anything he puts out, but I end up liking a lot of it when other people play it.

THANK YOU for including Smarties. I grew up poor and really LOVED SweetTarts but only got them about once every 2 weeks. But Smarties--somehow always available, always at school. Damn I loved that chalky goodness. And yes, the weird flavours--whatever they were, I believed in them--would disintegrate and it was FUN.

Fuck you, Smarties and Dots are proof that god loves us and good still exists in the world. And bonus points for Canadian Smarties that are a superior version of M&Ms.

I have mentioned this before but I know Victor Garber a little, and he’s the nicest man and he loves her like she’s his own daughter, so that’s good enough for me.

Celebrate women for having it together and being strong enough help others without labeling them as “co-dependent.”

Denise was a goddamn saint. She took the next wives KIDS when she went into her tail spin to give them a stable environment.

Denise Richards is another superstar that Charlie Sheen does not deserve. 

Jennifer Garner seems to value keeping the father of her children alive. More stories about celebrity compassion, please. Even if you have to make them up.

I had to read Fahrenheit 451 and it only fueled my love of reading.

Men shouldn’t have sex if they’re not prepared to accept that the woman may get an abortion.

The man who cited the Holocaust now runs an archipelago of concentration camps for children. Get lost, you fucking hypocrite.

Like he’s gonna sit there and tell us that every time he’s had sex, he was 100% making a lifelong commitment. Bull. Shit.