
And, OMG these people, if you are part of a couple and you book an aisle seat and a window seat in the hopes that no one takes the middle and then someone sits in the middle seat and you don’t offer to switch and instead hold whole conversations over middle’s head YOU ARE MONSTER PEOPLE.

That isn’t feasible. It is outrageously unlikely that we will never need it again. But in the event of global warfare, we must have a means of drafting our able-bodied to fight. I say this as the daughter of a conscientious objector who fought in court for his right not to go to war (he was the son of pastor, the

move the goal posts much? first equality in military - now we want to abolish draft

“She’s really fucking busy” = “We didn’t even try because we can’t fucking afford her.”

you know what, Kanye probably thinks world is a donut and revolves around him

Sounds like this assplay feud has taken Kanye down a peg or two.

omg those names are everything.

Somehow Kanye’s latest tweets pushed this whole thing from sad and trashy and kind of gross to high comedy for me.

Sweetie? Sweetie? SWEETIE???

There may have been a time where you looked back and said, “I probably shouldn’t have done that.” Does that make you a ho? No, it makes you a human.

He might actually like her. It’s the first image I’ve seen that focuses on her gorgeous eyes and not her body. .... though still, the trolling is magic.

Rob and Black Chyna are being so petty. And I fucking love it! The Kardashians are one to talk about loyalty. Kim kicked Rob out of her wedding and none of them came to the hospital when he was sick. It’s obvious Kris doesn’t care about him because she can’t pimp him out like she does the rest of her children. If I

I feel like the argument ihatebeets was trying to make in the article about the Manosphere in academia just came to life....

Zach Braff looks like the freshly kneaded dough version of David Duchovny.

Is it just me or did Yoko’s tweet make sense?

The more someone insists they’re “one of the good ones,” a “nice guy,” the more I become convinced there is a torture basement in their residence.

I feel like I just read an article by the onion. Except it’s real. Goddamn it I thought I would get through just one day without being appalled.

Now playing

Ice Cube: “Maybe we should have put a slave in Staight Outta Compton.” 5:00 mark.


He’s also a D&D nerd in real life, so I’m SURE he genuinely enjoyed that gig.