
Ok, Chrissy T. You win Twitter. And when you are right, you’re right.

Chrissy Tiegan really has the best Twitter. She's won me over.

Their “skills”.

Or the ones who say we need to forgive him for beating Rihanna, cause she has... never mind all the times he has been violent since. Anger management clearly didn’t take with this one.

You know what else warms up your back? Clothes. Blankets. Heating pads. Stripping and hanging out nude from the waist up seems to counterintuitive. The placebo effect is awesome, ain’t it?

Carrie Fisher is so badass I love her so much. And these tweets make me love her more.

And she looks great. Fuck ‘em.

Carrie Fisher has been through a lot. She doesn't need people dissecting her appearance.

To be fair, I don’t think that I’d want someone who fantasizes about being Camilla Bowles’ tampon changing my child’s diaper.

How are you going to fit a whole clown up your ass?

How can people not find the panda??? It’s so easy!!!


Changing it after the fact is better than not changing it after the fact.

My skin itched when I read that Martha Stewart was lumped in with the Housewives Of Who The Fuck Cares. Martha Stewart did shit, owned shit and has created a legacy. She is the doyenne of domestic. I fucking love her.

I was thinking the same thing, all children everywhere should be taught about consent and respect.

Is it weird that I feel like this is okay? Like, it should be taught as part of language classes and middle school classes and to everyone everywhere.

Now playing

Dennis Morgan, who plays Jefferson Jones, is fucking hot.

Noted. Don’t click on political articles in the future. Everybody wins.

Completely agree.

I’ll bet Dolly would totally pull me out of the greys. (Seriously I have been politely posting here for FIVE YEARS. I predate Kinja. Did I make somebody mad?)